Project MC2 // Pixel Purse

November 9, 2017 No Comments

The Netflix Original Series Project MC2 has been a huge hit with Roo since she discovered the first series a few years ago.  With part six recently making its way onto the Netflix scheduling she has already managed to binge watch the episodes.  Before deciding to start back at the beginning and watch all the STEAM girls adventures.

Sunshine, Pizza and Netflix

June 5, 2017 No Comments

Best laid plans at the moment seem to be going awry. My hopes of starting the half term holidays with a pizza party and Netflix to help us all relax before our busy week ahead. Were pushed aside in favour of setting off on our adventures earlier than planned. I can’t complain as we had an amazing week away and made so many memories.

Half term fun with Netflix Project MC2: Part 4

February 19, 2017 No Comments

It will come as no big surprise when I tell you that Roo loves Project MC2. Since discovering the series on Netflix a while back she has been watching and re-watching all the episodes. In my naivety, I mentioned to her at the beginning of the about there being a new Project MC2 series available on Netflix from February 14th.

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