It feels strange to sitting writing this #LittleLoves update almost a week before the end of the month. With next Friday the beginning of October (how did that happen?) it means that my monthly update on the little things that have brought smiles, laughter or happiness to my life is earlier. Not that this means that I don’t have anything to share with you, because despite being early it’s been a busy month.
This month’s #LittleLoves…
Each month I share my #LittleLoves, a chance to reflect on the things that I have read, watched, heard and heard. As well as highlighting what I’ve worn and any other highlights in my life. It’s not about the big things, it’s about all those small little loves that make up everyday life.

I’m feeling a sad sense of disappointment with myself as I broke my long-running reading streak on my Kindle Paperwhite this month. Life getting in the way of my reading time – how dare it?? It does, however, mean that I have made the most of the time that I have had to read. Indulging in several book series, losing myself in the storylines and characters spread over several books – gaining an in-depth extended story rather than compacted into one book.
Whilst catching up with writing blog posts (I handwrite them before copy typing them onto my blog) I have started to make headway on all the TV series I have recorded on our Sky+ box. Watching the Hospital (BBC2) set over the pandemic highlighting the different department’s struggles and how they continue to fight for the patients under their care. As an NHS worker, I am always very proud of the organisation I work for. It made for some heartbreaking scenes and stories – it will take a long time for the NHS to recover from the delays in treatment etc., for many people it is already too late.
Making the 20th anniversary of the terror attacks in America, What The Dad Said and I sat down to watch the 9/11: One Day in America miniseries on National Geographic. Truly heartbreaking to see the stories from those who were there, how it affected them at the time, how it still affects them and the losses they suffered.
Between the pandemic, financial pressures and Roo’s knee injury we weren’t sure that we would be able to take the children away this year. However, we managed to find a Butlins Just For Tots break at Minehead for a good price. Taking the children out of school for four days – Controversial, I know, but it is the beginning of the school year and family time is always important. What better way to kickstart the holiday than by listening to Butlins playlists on Spotify during the journey. We spent four days laughing at slapstick comedy, squealing in the swimming pool and singing along with the shows and performances – Truly magical.
It can’t be a #LittleLoves update in September without mentioning back to school uniforms. The staggered start to back to school meant that Roo had a few more days to prepare – although the early morning bus was still a shock to the system for her. Having a love/hate relationship with school uniforms (the price for one thing!) they do look adorable on their first days dressed in fresh uniforms, which I can only hope survives the school year.

Earlier in the year, Roo sat me and What The Dad Said down to view a PowerPoint presentation that she’d made justifying the reasons as to why she should transition to a double bed in her room. After the initial giggle at her boldness and giving her a high five for putting it together we did say it was something that we would think about.
Finally, after months of hints and WhatsApp photos of beautiful beds, she has a new double bed, which has led to us rearranging Tigger’s bed as he gained Roo’s old IKEA Hermes day bed. We had thought about moving piglet into Tigger’s old bed with the trundle underneath, however, she is such a wriggler in bed that we often find her half in and half out in her children’s house bed so best to keep her close to the floor for the time being.
With summer holidays now behind us I have started updating the children’s Amazon wishlists for their November birthdays and Christmas. Great for keeping track of prices so I can grab bargains as they happen. Although I’m struggling to get ideas out of Tigger – what do you buy an 11-year-old boy?
Don’t forget to share your #LittleLoves over on Twitter or Instagram