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This month’s #LittleLoves… It’s been a little over a month since the social distancing and lockdown measures were introduced. During this time we have transitioned the children into completing school work from home. Adjusting to a new normal and finding ways to have our own time and space whilst we are all in the same house.
On the whole, it is really nice to have the children here. Protected as much as we can in our own little bubble. The house will feel very strange once we head back to reality – I’m not really looking forward to that.
This months #LittleLoves…
Each month I share my #littleloves, a chance to reflect on the things that I have read, watched, heard and made. As well as highlighting what I’ve worn and any other highlights in my life. It’s not about the big things, it’s about all those small little loves that make up everyday life.

This month I have found my groove once again with my reading. Last month I read quite a few books to start with, however, it tailed off once the social distancing measures kicked in. Looking to ensure some self-care I have turned to my Kindle. Enjoying a mixture of books this month.
- Us, In Pieces
- The Switch
- My Year of Saying No
- Maybe One Day
Friday Night Dinner has returned for a new series which makes me so happy. I love this series, laugh out loud comedy. Something that I have told my children that they need to do every week after they have left home. If they don’t come over, I’ve warned them that I will turn up at their uni halls, house shares etc.
With the children home we’ve enjoyed lots of extra family film nights, with Yesterday allowing us to spot all the local places in which it was filmed. As well as making the most of Disney+, Netflix and Amazon Prime Video.
Chitter chatter, laughter, bickering, crying – just general family life. Add in noise from video games, YouTube videos and cartoons and you’ll get an idea of the fun and games going on – I love it!
The extra time spent at home has allowed me to make headway on lobe overdue tasks. From tackling the garden bucket list and reorganising my workspace.
With the weather warming up it is once again time to bring out my trusty Birkenstocks. They might have seen better days but they are so very comfortable. I’d love to treat myself to a new pair but funds don’t allow me to at the moment.
I’ve been staying away from social media as much as possible, however, the small snippets that I have seen have had a similar train of thought – when will we be returning to normal? Having had this extended period of time at home, surrounded by my little family unit, I’m not too sure I’m in a hurry to return to normal.
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