Life in lockdown, the homeschooling journey… Being a parent you like to think that you know everything about your children. To a certain extent you do, you can spot their personality traits, which makes them laugh and cry. However, one area that we don’t necessarily know about is what they are like at school. Their approach to learning, characteristics etc. Whilst parents evenings give you an insight, there is nothing like being there in the thick of things to see first hand.
Life In Lockdown Homeschooling
With the children home for an extended period of time, schooling is now completed at home. Parents have become teachers and hope to guide their children through the tasks and activities that they have been set.
Those who can, teach
Homeschooling was certainly not something that I had ever considered. As they say ‘those who can, teach‘ – I’m not one of those people. Whilst I can pull my hair out over the new way the children complete maths – and don’t get me started on English! Having the children up at the dining table completing their schoolwork has given me an insight into what they are like at school.
Learning characteristics

The chatterbox
Given that Roo talks a lot in normal circumstances it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that she talks her way through her schoolwork. From writing a to-do list before she starts. Reading each and EVERY question aloud, her pondering over what to do next etc. If there is something to talk about, she will say it. Of course, this wouldn’t be an issue if she was on her own. But she is sat at a table with her siblings who have to endure her constant chattering.
Can you guess what her teachers tell me about her on parents evening??
Distraction and procrastination
Tigger is a slow and steady learner, easily distracted and needs checking on frequently. Instead of asking for help or questioning the task, he has been asked to complete he will sit there procrastinating until you ask him if he needs help. Maths and art are subjects he excels in, however, he is still a reluctant writer. You can ask him a question and he’ll happily give you a detailed answer, but ask him to write it down and he freezes. As though he can’t get the thoughts from his head down to his hand to write the information.
We have found that getting him to complete all of the same subject tasks in one go works better for him. Rather than swapping and changing between subjects every half an hour etc.
The visual learner
Piglet is a visual learner, which is not so much of a surprise. At four years old she is still very much at the beginning of her learning journey. Thankfully there are a number of printable worksheets, colouring by number sheets, puzzles, apps and videos which allow her to learn. Learning through play also plays a big part for her. She has the most wonderful imagination and it’s amazing to see what she comes up with next. Although she is very much missing the social aspect of being at preschool.

Patience is a virtue
Having three children in three different age groups – preschool, primary school and high school. I knew that the prospect of homeschooling would be a challenge. The first few weeks before the Easter holidays I think we were winging it, although with the schools. However, the Easter break allowed everyone to focus on how we were going to get through this unique time in our lives. The schools have often much more prepared tasks, activities and resources.
As a parent, I have learnt to let the children pick the things that they want to complete first, rather than working down the list. If they want to sack off PE with Joe, then why not.
Patience is a virtue and we all need to show this to each other. Together we will get through our life in lockdown homeschooling journey.
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