Dear Tax Credits,
Today you have out done yourselves… After ringing again today to inform you that Mr Boo was made redundant at the end of March and that despite previous calls regarding this you have failed to pay us any money. The lady I spoke to last week explained that our account was suspended but was unable to explain why. However the gentleman I spoke with this morning kindly explained… ‘there appears to be an error on your account… We have Mr Boo marked as deceased‘
Yes you read that right… DECEASED!!!
‘Obviously we reasplise that this is incorrect‘ explained the gentleman
‘Trust me he is very much alive thank you‘ I replied
‘Oh yes, we are unsure as to how this could have happened but my colleague sent a message last week to get the rectified and I’m now about to send another to see if we can get your payments reinstated‘.
Honestly tax credits how could you make such a mistake!!!

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