Winnie The pooh Tea Party

With nicknames such as Roo, Tigger and Piglet for my children I would think that it’s fairly obvious that I have a little thing for the classic AA Milne stories featuring Christopher Robin and Winnie The Pooh. Around 30 years ago my Dad bought me a hardback copy of The Winnie The Pooh Collection. It’s actually one of the few things that I have from my Dad and something that holds fond memories for me.

Limitless Play with the Meli & Ro Kids Activity Pack

At four-years-old she needed the opportunity to pick her own activities, to allow her imagination to run wild or be creative when the mood struck. Whilst she has a number of role-playing toys as well as access to a climbing frame. We were lacking somewhat in the creative and logic activities for her. Which is why we have been loving the Meli & Ro Activity Pack.

Learning through play with SMOBY

The early years are a pivotal time for children, it is the time when they are learning about the world around them. From the people they love with, their extended network of family and friends, as well as classes, groups or nursery that they may attend. These years are the ones where they will learn so much more than they will as they grow up. From the everyday things of walking, running, talking and understanding (and dealing with) their emotions.

It’s time for bed Baby Annabell Mia… Sweet Dreams

As a family with thrive off a routine, of course, not all families are like this. Whilst some are very much able to go with the flow and ‘wing it’, we find that the children respond better if they know what is expected for them and what is coming next. There is, of course, a degree of flexibility in our routines however, on the whole, they are the same pattern.

How to get started with Bakugan®

Do you have what it takes to be the ultimate Bakugan® Master? Then face off against your friends with your very own Bakugan®! Pop-open figures transform from BakuBalls to Bakugan®! Recreate the excitement of the show and collect all your favourite characters! These fierce creatures pop open, transforming in one roll! Enter Battle Planet and get ready to Bakugan® brawl!

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