Monthly Goals | March 2022

I’ve honestly felt like I’m bouncing from one thing to another, but here we are at the end of the shortest month of the year. Time to reflect on the monthly goals I set for February and nite down those that I am looking to focus on during March.

Brick Week, Sister Wives and Jackass #LittleLoves – February 2022

This month’s #LittleLoves… February has blown by so quickly – sorry for the Storm Eunice joke! Jokes aside, the shortest month of the year is coming to an end and it really doesn’t feel as though we’ve had the opportunity to make the most of it. Which is part of the reason I like to share my #LittleLoves with you to help me look back at the month and focus on those little things in life that have made me smile.

Monthly Goals | February 2022

January often feels like a long month that drags on and on, so I’m thankful that I set monthly goals to focus my mind on something other than the January blues. Waving goodbye to the festive season, recovery going slowly and What The Dad Said breaking his toe have thrown spanners in the works.

Totally Booked, silence and loungewear #LittleLoves

This month’s #LittleLoves… The final days of January are finally here. January always feels like the longest month of the year. I’m never sure if it is due to the colder weather taking hold, the loss of the Christmas decorations of those extra days between paydays after the expense of the month before.

22 Things To Achieve in 2022

We are here poised at the beginning of a new calendar, the days, weeks and months ahead are unknown but why not think about 22 things you’d like to achieve in 2022. Whether these are tasks, goals, learning something new, the world is your oyster!

Christmas, New PJ’s and Happy Birthday To Me! #LittleLoves

This month’s #LittleLoves… It’ time to wave a fond farewell to the festive season and the final month of 2021. December always seems to pass by in a blur of school Christmas activities, family fun and, of course, Christmas. Hopes for a more ‘normal’ Christmas after last years life in lockdown Christmas were scuppered somewhat but actually, in many ways, we had a much more laid back celebration.

Monthly Goals | January 2022

December is always a funny month to be setting monthly goals. There is a part of me that lives for consistency so I plan for monthly goals even if for whatever reason I failed at them I had at least put pen to paper and hoped to achieve them.

Simply Having A Wonderful Little Christmas Time

In the twinkle of a Christmas light and another chocolate eaten, Christmas for the most part is over another year. I hope you all had yourself a merry little Christmas with whomever you share your festivities with. All the build-up to the big day and it is gone so quickly but the Christmas memories made can last a lifetime.

Monthly Goals | December 2021

But also in the hope that it inspires you to make a little list of monthly goals that you’d like to achieve for the month ahead. Helping you realise that you achieve more than you possibly give yourself credit for.

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