AD | Gifted
Many of us, and I am talking about women, will have a vivid memory of that moment we got our first period. There is nothing that truly prepares you for it. No matter how many conversations you have with your mum or even any school education you get beforehand talking about puberty and the changes you will experience.
It is a strange feeling, uncomfortable, and can often feel weird as you just get used to the monthly visitor. Of course, over time, it becomes part of life. You get used to the period pains, the mood swings, and the bloat on your stomach. Until you reach a point where your own daughter is about to go through it, and you experience it all again, from the other side.
These days there are much more options in terms of products that you use for your monthly cycle. You may have only had a choice of unsightly and difficult to apply tampons or large sanctuary pads. Things have moved on, and while there are plenty of options to consider, we are also more aware of reusable products and the benefits they can have on the environment.
The importance of sustainability
You may already have been making the switch to reusable makeup remover pads, reusable nappies with your little ones, and even reusable bottles for water and reusable cups for your morning coffee on the commute to work. All amazing changes that will start to have a positive effect on the environment. However, did you know that you can now get reusable sanitary pads? It isn’t as overwhelming as you might think and could be the perfect option to introduce your daughter to when the time starts.
Creating habits early on with reusable items means they are more likely to stick in the future. I wanted to share with you a little more information about reusable sanitary pads and how easy they could fit into your life. Helping you to make another switch that will impact the future in a positive way.
What are reusable sanitary pads?
There is actually quite a choice when it comes to reusable sanitary pads and they can look bright and colourful. Often made with natural products and ingredients giving you extra peace of mind. They are the same shape, perhaps even the same length as a disposable sanitary pad, dependant on which size you go for. With reusable sanitary pads, you can also choose in terms of how heavy you are with your flow. So some pads will be thicker to cover heavy periods or longer time wearing them such as overnight.

What are the benefits?
Using reusable sanitary pads has plenty of benefits when it comes to using them each day. There are benefits that you can enjoy as well as benefits for the greater good. Let’s look at both sides.
Benefits for you and your daughters
Disposable products are made with a long list of ingredients, and there are chemicals and nasties that you are putting very close to your nether regions for long periods of time. You also need to factor in that disposable period products contain known carcinogens, allergens, irritants, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. If you are actively trying to make better choices when it comes to what you put into and on your body then you already might be making the switch with products that you use daily.
Benefits for the environment
We are all so much more aware of how our habits when it comes to disposing of things are causing harm to our environment. Disposable products like sanitary products can not be recycled, and are then being sent to landfills and taking years to erode and emitting harmful gases that are affecting the ozone layer and causing the global warming crisis. If all of us made wiser choices when it came to products that we could easily re-use instead, it could make for a brighter and greener future for our children.
What about the maintenance side of things?
Of course, reusable products mean that there is an element of maintenance and that is cleaning the sanitary pad for use again. It’s actually very simple to do. You can store used sanitary pads in a bathroom bag that has a compartment that is waterproof. When you are ready to wash, add them to your cycle with your laundry and wash at 40 degrees. Avoid issuing stain remover and frantic softener. Simple dry them and restore them ready to be used again. Make sure you wash them within 48 hours.

Is it possible to use them while you are away from home?
One of the most difficult issues people might have is using reusable sanitary pads while you are out and about. The main cause for concern being needing to change while you are out and having nowhere to store your used sanitary pad. This is when the Out & About bags come in handy. They have two compartments. One for your unused pads and a waterproof compartment for your used pads. Just as you would at home you’d add the used pad to that particular compartment and go about your business.
Hopefully, this has made you more aware of how easy the switch could be to use reusable pads and how it could be a comfortable, hygienic, and greener option for your daughter to use.