I am a control freak!
Ah, that feels so much better for getting that out. Mind you, for any of you that have met me you’re probably not that surprised (maybe relieved that I said it first).
I wasn’t always a control freak, I was once the happy go lucky, carefree, risk taking girl. I’m not sure what changed or when it changed. I do remember it becoming more evident when I had Roo. Controlling feed times, nappy changes, naps and even times when we could go out for fresh air.
I am, however trying to loosen the grip I have on the reins to my families life. So yesterday whilst on a girlie trip out with Roo I decided to kick back and let loose… I went on the zip wire in the play area.

Whilst you all may not think that this is a big step, to me it really is. The fear of not being able to control speed, direction, bashing into the tyre at the bottom, falling off or making a complete tit of myself was thrown out of the window.
I smiled, I laughed, I had fun!
Boo xxx
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