Woodchip, woodchip as far as the eye can see…

And until last October that was that, we have added a few more layers of paint to the woodchip but never contemplated stripping any of the other rooms as we knew it would mean re-plastering the walls. However for some unknown reason I decided to strip the walls in the dining room one October day. With no steamer available I have had to done the stripping in two layers, firstly the top woodchip layer followed by wetting the paper lining and finally stripping that off too.
Following the dining room we moved on to Roo’s bedroom and are currently two thirds of the way around our bedroom. It is long, sweaty and dusty work… I can see an end in sight but it just isn’t coming quick enough.

So to all who are reading this I am pleading with you for both my sanity and that of any future people living in your property…
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