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Cleaning the house is not everybody’s idea of fun. Unless you happen to be Monica from the popular TV series Friends. Cleaning is something that we feel we have to do, and can often feel like an overwhelming task when you don’t keep on top of it. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. While we can’t promise that you will fall in love with cleaning, you can make things easier on yourself. With that in mind, here are some of the ways that you can stay on top of the household cleaning schedule.
A household cleaning schedule
One of the first things to suggest would be a cleaning schedule. Many of us thrive on routine, and will have some form of it in place for many aspects of our lives, so why should cleaning be any different? The beauty of your cleaning schedule is that it will work for you.
There are plenty of guides and examples online that you can look at and gain inspiration from, but then take some time to work out what suits your lifestyle and the time you have. It might be specific jobs on one day or tackling one room at a time. It could help you to finally keep on top of it, and have a tidy home all through the week.
Have the right tools for the job
The next thing to think about would be having the right tools for the job. This means the right cleaning products, sponges and cloths as well as cleaning appliances. Sometimes investing in this area can make things easier. Such as using a cordless vacuum cleaner instead of one that is plugged in at the wall. This makes things quicker and easier to set up, helps you clean up smaller messes easily with little to no fuss.
Steam cleaners work well for wooden flooring, helping you to deodorise and clean your hardwood floors without the hassle of a mop and bucket. Having the right tools for the job can make the cleaning less overwhelming and time-consuming.
Cleaning methods you can try
Another thing to think about would be cleaning methods that you might want to try. There are many on social media and blogs that might help you to stay on track with things. Here are a few suggestions.

TOMM, or for those that ensure, the organised mum method, promises that it only takes you thirty minutes to stay on top of your home and keep it clean. Many people swear by this method. It is a good idea to do the week-long boot camp first which you will find online, that gives your home a deep clean. Then you can tackle the method each day. It focuses on one room at a time and gives you some everyday jobs to keep on top of. There is even a smartphone app that you can use.
If you haven’t heard of Mrs Hinch then where have you been? The Mrs Hinch effect has taken the Instagram cleaning world by storm and is helping many people to keep on top of their homes and feel good about it. Sophie Hinchliffe has released books, including a book of lists where you can do a weekly Hinch list, record your “ta das” and do a “fresh’n up Friday”. These three methods are what she uses to keep on top of her home and could help you too.
Five jobs a day
Sometimes little and often is the key so what not try the five jobs a day method. List five cleaning jobs you need to do each day, and then as the day goes on tick them off. They can be as small or as big as you need them to be, but they can help you to at least get things done.
The things you can do every day that will help
There is no denying that the cleaning and household jobs are always mounting up, and so unless you keep on top of things, it can easily get overwhelming. So it is important for you to ensure that you do what you can to stay on top of things. This is why doing some things every day can help you to find the right balance. Here are a few things that you can try to help you do that.

One wash load a day
The washing is one of the biggest bugbears for adults, especially parents. Why do children and teenagers insist on only wearing something for ten minutes then adding it to the laundry basket? This can often be the most overwhelming task in your home on a daily basis, so making it a habit to do at least one wash load a day can help you to stay on top of it. The aim is to have one wash load washed, dried and put away each day. Once it becomes a habit you will wonder how you ever coped before.
Make the beds
A great way to help a home feel tidier is to make the bed each morning. Many people do this as a habit anyway, but some don’t, and it can make such a difference. It doesn’t take long, and you don’t need to do anything special with it, but straightening the covers and fluffing the pillows can be all it takes. It can be one job you tick off the list before you head downstairs to start your day.
Delegate jobs
Finally, all of the household jobs and cleaning does not need to be left to you. Make sure you delegate where you can. This can help children to learn about responsibility and also shares the load between you and your partner. You could give family members daily jobs or consider weekly tasks. Delegating jobs means more will get done over the course of the week and your home is more likely to stay clean and tidy.
Hopefully these tips help you to take control of the cleaning schedule in your home and manage it more effectively.