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Let’s face it, the garden can often be an area of your home that gets the least amount of attention. It might be because we only tend to use our gardens at certain points of the year. But now that we are in spring and nearly summer, your thoughts might be more focused on your garden and less on the interiors in your home.
As a family, the garden can be an excellent space to make the most of when it comes to your children and for yourself. It can be a peaceful space for you to relax when the children are in bed, and an outlet for them to use up some energy when they are needing stimulating or want to do something different. However, are you making the most of your garden?
There are things you can do to get it in the best possible shape and ideas to help you use your garden more frequently. If you are wanting to focus some attention on your garden this summer and get some ideas on how you can use it, then here are some of the things to consider.
Getting the garden up to scratch
One of the first things to think about would getting the garden back up to scratch, so try some of these things to help you make it a more usable space.

Give the garden a basic tidy up
One of the first things that you can consider doing is thinking about tidying up the garden. These are basic things, but they can be a great way to enable you to see exactly what space you have to work with. Initially, after the winter and even the spring, the garden can be full of debris. Fallen blossom from the trees, sticks, and leaves from the winter months, even things that you left out there before the weather turned bad, such as children’s playthings or old furniture.
Give the whole space a complete tidy up, get rid of unwanted things, clean up things you want to keep, and then see what it is you have to work with. Doing this alone could be just enough to get you back outside in the garden.
Invest in some new pieces
The next thing to think about would be to decide on exactly what you want in your new garden space. This could be a new sofa and chair set up, or a new table and chairs combination to eat outside. The difference this could make to your garden is worthwhile. It could give you the chance to spend more time with the family outside and enjoy the great summer that we can have.
Cut the grass and weed the flowerbeds
Many garden areas have grass and flower beds that might need dealing with. The grass itself can cover a huge surface area, and so it may be time to cut and trim it down so that it looks neat and tidy. You might also want to look at putting down some grass seed so that it can be full of life by the time the summer comes. The next thing to think about would be the flowerbeds. They may have been inundated with weeds and this could be causing problems. Take some time to get rid of them and then you will see an instant difference in your garden and how it looks.
Create a patio or separate space for entertaining
You may want to take some time to consider creating a patio out of a separate space for entertaining. It could be the simplest of things, but it can make a big difference to how your garden looks. This could work well for any new furniture that you invest in.
What can you do in the garden?
Now that your garden is more usable, how should you utilise the space? Whether you play games, spend time outside doing the things you love, or even entertain with the family young and old, here are some suggestions.

Encourage playing outdoors
You might want to do your best when it comes to encouraging children to play outside and enjoy games that use their imaginations. Your kids might like things like Dojo Battle where they take part in a dual, or perhaps they might be more interested in sports activities such as tennis or football in the garden. There are also plenty of garden games that they could enjoy such as skittles, water play, sand trays, or even do activities like painting or crafts. Sometimes they can take the things they would usually enjoy inside and do them outside instead. Board games are particularly fun enjoyed on a nice sunny day on a patio.
Spend time with family and friends
Being outside on a warm sunny day is a great way to spend your time, but it is even better if you spend it with other family and friends. Getting younger family members round together means that your children will be occupied outside playing with their friends. They can enjoy different games or some of the suggestions above. It is always nice to do things like arrange a BBQ or have an outside party to celebrate something like a birthday. The garden is the perfect place for the family to congregate with friends and loved ones.
The whole family can exercise outside
The garden is the perfect place to exercise, and as a family, you may want to encourage more activity and exercise, so getting outside to do it could be a great way to do it. You could follow workouts and play sports in the garden. It is something the whole family can get involved with.
Enjoy a little quiet time
Finally, the garden is the perfect place for you to embrace a little quiet time. You could utilise the time to enjoy a book or a quiet drink with some reflection in the evening. Your children could also use the time to read a book, play a quiet board game or just enjoy the peace at the end of the day as they start to relax before bed.
Let’s hope this has given you some idea on how you can make your garden a usable space this summer.