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These are just a few ideas to get you started on easy ways to save money. Obviously, there are extremes for each of these but even doing a little bit at a time will help and eventually add up to something. It is important to be disciplined, then you will be able to save for yourself and your family.
Money is often a hot topic in most marriages, especially ones that include children. Parents are responsible for saving money for their children and family so they can not only survive but also have a good quality of life. Every parent wants the best for their children so it is important to start early when it comes to saving money so you can give your child or children the life they deserve.
Not only do you want/need to save money for your children’s necessities like health and education, but you also want to have money saved for fun experiences for them to enjoy. We have put together a few simple tips on how to save you and your family the money that you need.
Lower Bills
The first step to reaching the goal that you can take to save money is to lower your monthly bills. Lower what you need to spend each month so you can potentially save more. Utilities and monthly bills are always a killer to a budget. The key to saving money is to evaluate what you are spending your money on and if you can lower it.
Keep a list of all of your monthly bills and utilities to see if there are any to easily be eliminated. Do you belong to the gym but never use it? Cancel the membership! Do you have multiple cable boxes in the house? Do you use them all? Can any of them be eliminated to save money on your cable bill? Do you have any subscription services that you can live without and cancel? You can also call your cable, cell phone, car insurance, etc. to see if you are getting the best deal.
It’s possible that just by calling you may be able to save some major cash. Just evaluating the list of your spending and being aware can make a difference.
An easy way to save money and an easy way to be frugal is by using coupons. Coupons can be used basically everywhere. You can use coupons on groceries, clothing, gas, travel, etc.
There are so many places to find coupons. One way they come is through the mail. People often find advertisements, flyers and coupons from their favourite stores in the mail. Most stores ask you to provide your email so that they can send you coupons via email as well. Most people may complain about the junk mail they receive but if you actually look at what you get, you may find some useful coupons or discounts at your local stores and service providers.
Another popular source nowadays are discount sites. The most popular are Groupon, Living Social, Retailmeknot and Couponcabin. These sites allow you to find coupons and save at such stores as home depot, Macy’s, Verizon, kohls, and many others. You may also be able to snag products you have looking to snag like charcoal bags or a set of dryer balls. Just by going to the site, you can find any coupons available for a particular store or service. They can often be redeemed in person at the store or even while shopping online.

Stash Away Money
Watching what you’re spending every day and looking at your spending habits is something to be evaluated as well. Spending money on little things can add up to major cash each month.
The biggest culprit is coffee and eating out. If you get your coffee out then it could add up to £50-£100 a month. That could be your water bill, or even go towards your child’s education. It is best to try to put off purchasing these novelties on a normal basis. If you can’t, then a trick that is good for saving is to stash away money each time you go and spend money on these types of purchases. Do you spend £2.47 on coffee in the morning? Put the £0.53 in a savings account. Over time it will accumulate substantial cash.
Instead of grabbing lunch out while you are at work, it may be worthwhile to pack. Try and plan your meals so you aren’t tempted to grab things on the run as well. It is great to go out every once in a while but doing it often can be a real burden on your wallet. Try buying things that can be reused and not thrown away