No matter how much or how little sleep I get it never seems to be enough. One thing or another seems to either stop me from going to bed nice and early or one (if not both) of the children waking up at stupid o’clock.
Take this morning for instance… Both Roo and Tigger are sleeping in Tigger’s room in the bunk beds whilst the building work in being carried out. At 4.30am Roo asks for the music to be played on Tigger’s monitor as she can’t sleep. Er no, you’ll wake Tigger up if I put it on. Back to sleep ahhhh.
I hear voices… Roo and Tigger chatting, I squint at the clock… 5.47am! You have got to be kidding me! So out of bed I go, Roo gets a telling off and I take Tigger downstairs. Maybe we could just snuggle on the sofa until 7am, er no, ‘I play trains?‘ he asks. That crossed out any plans I had for a snooze on the sofa, especially with Roo plodding down the stairs 10 minutes later.

I wonder if you can get rechargeable batteries for mums? I’ve tried most things to combat my tiredness, drinking caffeine, not drinking caffeine, keeping hydrated. I’ve even got so far as to cut out chocolate but no I’m obviously just a naturally tired person.
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