I’ve missed not sharing Roo and Tigger’s weekly changing face posts. With them away at their Granny’s house for two weeks I haven’t been able to share any of their photos or updates. Alas they are now home and very much missed by Mr Boo and I.
They have grown and changed so much in just two weeks. It’s funny to think how much they change in front of our eyes and we just don’t notice it.
- Sad to say goodbye to Granny
- Acting like a mini mum to Tigger ensuring that he is OK and helping him with tasks
- Enjoying being back with Mummy & Daddy
- Had so much fun at Granny’s (especially catching a fish at the river)
- Adventurous side is growing by the day and being more confident
- Still as cheeky as ever
Have you noticed a change in your children this summer?

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