If I’m honest I thought that this month I’d be introducing Piglet to my siblings posts as I’ve been convinced she would arrive on a certain date. That date has come and gone which makes this months siblings post a little more special as I knew that this is the last month of just Roo and Tigger.
The past month has seen their relationship remain strong, however are enjoying some time on their own doing their own thing. They have each celebrated their birthdays which seems to have made them grow up that bit more overnight.
Roo has grown in confidence (if that is even possible) and has turned into a mini-mummy making sure that Tigger and Daddy are doing what they should be and organising them in a morning.
Tigger has really started to show his academic side, his understanding of sounds, writing and story-telling is simply heart warming to see.
There are the times when Roo and Tigger get together and for that nobody else in the world matters, it is just them together.

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