This month I have stood back and looked at how Roo and Tigger interact with each other
How they chat about the day
How they play together, both nicely and arguing
How they rely on each other for support
I’m in awe of their relationship, no matter how much they bicker and argue they are still the person that nine times out of ten they turn to first.
This week Tigger fell over on the way to collect Roo from school and whilst I got the initial cuddle and gave him sympathy it was Roo he looked for to tell her about his fall. He flat out refused to let me take a look at his war wounds but as soon as I left the room I could her Roo saying ‘do you want me to take a look?’ with that he happily showed her where it hurt and after a cuddle from his big sister he was happy once again.
This past month has seen some beautiful weather on the east coast, which has allowed us to make the most of the time after school rather than rushing home.
Looking for seashells and throwing stones into the sea
Taking a stroll across the sand dunes
After bath snuggles

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