Kindle Paperwhite, Autumn and Awards #LittleLoves

September 27, 2019

This month’s #LittleLoves… September always feels like the start of a new year, Much more than January does for me. Signally the start of a new school year, the beginning of new chapters and also the push to tick things off the to-do list. An opportunity to purchase new stationery ready to make lists, party plans and get ready for the upcoming birthday and Christmas season.

Whilst I have made some headway with plans and organising bits for the rest of the year, I do feel in part that I failing. A mixture of feeling overwhelmed and under the weather (I think my anaemia is back with a vengeance). But maybe life has just gotten busier and I’ve just not adjusted to the speed of things or the number of things that require juggling.

Anyway, enough ramblings from me…

Time for September’s #LittleLoves…

Each month I share my #littleloves, a chance to reflect on the things that I have read, watched, heard and made. As well as highlighting what I’ve worn and any other highlights in my life. It’s not about the big things, it’s about all those small little loves that make up everyday life.

#LittleLoves A cup of coffee sitting on top of a wooden table
Loving my new Waterside Slogan Mug from


Another month where I have been groaning about the fact that I don’t own a Kindle Paperwhite. After speaking to my best friend who would be lost without hers, I decided that I was going to treat myself to one. The original plan was to wait until the Amazon Black Friday offers, however, as I was ordering a new Pokemon book for Tigger this week I spotted that they were currently on offer – so I grabbed the opportunity and bought one.

Feeling all kinds of selfish, but everyone deserves a treat now and again. Not exactly plain sailing on the delivery front as the logistics company left it outside my house whilst we were out bowling. A replacement one has arrived today and in true mum fashion popped it away for Christmas though – so not quite as selfish.

Besides my Kindle woes and guilt, I have started reading One Day In December. Although having left many moons between starting the book I have had to return to the beginning to reacquaint myself with the story.


Given how busy life is, What The Dad Said and I don’t get a great deal of time to sit down and chill. However, recently we have been making an effort to switch off an hour or so before bed and watch a couple of episodes of The Office US. It’s one that we watched a couple of times, however, it makes for easy viewing as well as providing us with much needed comic relief after busy days. It is a series that makes me miss working in an office – whilst thinking that Pam and Jim’s relationship is how my best friend met her husband (without the whole engaged to another man bit).

I’ve also been watching The Hospital Experiment on BBC Two. With a history of working within the NHS as well as being a service user, I am all too aware of how stretched the NHS is for funding, time and resources. I wasn’t too sure how well this experiment of accepting young volunteers into the wards and clinics within a hospital would go. However, I can see the benefits of it and it does make me think whether we should be encouraging our youngsters to volunteer. Not only to help organisations such as the NHS but to gain some life experience too.


Usually, I listen to Spotify whilst I work, however, the decision to select a playlist is sometimes stressful (for someone who doesn’t like to make decisions). So I have been turning on the radio and having that play in the background. A chance to catch up on ‘up to date’ music, although the adverts are starting to grate. Hurry up December, then I can listen to Christmas music all month without having to think about playlists vs radio etc.


As much as I have attempted to keep my Hotter Palma sandals on for as long as possible. I have admitted defeat and realised that autumn is happening whether I like it or not. And autumn requires boots! Thankfully a trip to into the city has seen a pair of the Hotter Dallas boots added to my autumn/winter wardrobe.


We’re in the process of re-jigging the children’s bedrooms. Nothing particularly major – Piglet is moving from her cot bed into a single bed and we’re changing some of her bedroom furniture. Mainly moved from other rooms in the house to attempt to organise her toys, books, puzzles and of course, her clothes.

We’ve removed Tigger’s big gaming/TV storage unit which felt like it took up a big proportion of his room. With plans to add a few new bits of furniture that will hopefully see him into his teenage years and beyond.

Roo has needed the least about of re-jigging as she has floor to ceiling wardrobes in her room. However, she has benefited from some re-organising as well as a declutter of old games, clothing and well… junk!


I’m delighted (and somewhat shocked) to be shortlisted in the Vuelio Online Influencer Awards #OIAwards 19. It will be my third year shortlisted for the Best UK Mum Blog, which always makes me feel so blessed. Absolutely no chance of winning but it’s the taking part that counts – plus I get to wear a pretty dress for the evening and feel like a princess (as Piglet would say).

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