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Play-time is a great way to bond and have fun with your baby, however, keeping your baby busy and entertained throughout the day isn’t always easy. Going along to a baby club is a great option but they don’t suit everyone, some parents may not be able to access baby groups locally or fit clubs into their daily routine.
When I had my first child, Roo, I attended a couple of baby club sessions with two friends and their babies of a similar age. However, I only attended a handful of sessions partly because they were held in the next town and it was difficult to juggle a new baby, all the stuff required and the motivation to do so when you’ve had disturbed sleep. Add into the mix that the happy, clappy type of classes that we visited, was quite frankly not my thing.
Looking back I do wish that I had persevered or attempted to find more local classes to try out with her. Although the reality was that I had to return to work when she was 5 months old so it left little time to fit baby clubs into our routine.
As I’ve gone on to have more children, I have to admit that I still did not feel brave enough to attend baby clubs. However, I did turn to online resources, TV shows and books to help me complete activities at home with the children.
The Baby Show TV series
The Baby Club, presented by Giovanna Fletcher and Nigel Clarke. Like the show, Play and Learn With Your Baby is for babies aged 6-18 months, and gives parents and carers ideas for interactive games, activities and songs to enjoy with their child.
Like the TV show, Play and Learn With Your Baby is the perfect guide for parents wanting the benefits that baby clubs offer by re-creating the different activities at home. For parents who find baby clubs a little daunting, this book will help build confidence and ease any worries by explaining what to expect and how you can join in.

Play and Learn With Your Baby: Simple Activities with Amazing Benefits
The bright and colourful book is an interactive guide for parents into the world of activities that they can complete with their child. Whether they attend baby clubs or not, have friends over for playdates or just wish to interact with their child in a different way. This book has a range of simple activities that can help with their development. A perfect addition to The Baby Club tv series shown on CBeebies which captivates baby’s and shows parents that entertaining their baby doesn’t have to cost anything.
Play & Learn With Your Baby sections

Showcasing just how important our own name is to us and the name of your baby too. Giving everyone their own sense of identity and importance. Included within in this section is the ‘Hello Song’ which is a great way to welcome everyone, whether you are hosting friends and their children or just gathered up the teddy bears for a teddy bears picnic-style baby club.
What’s in the bag?
There is no need for expensive toys when trying the different activities, everyday items such as a rolled-up sock, an empty box, or a stick from the park will do. A cardboard box is great for pretend play, whether you turn it into a car or make an obstacle course for your baby to crawl through, tying bits of material to a stick or a toothbrush to turn it into a magic wand is also a great way to spark their imagination.

Story time
It is never too early to read and enjoy storytime with your child. Sharing a book or story with babies or children once a day has been found to have a positive effect on overall development. Aiding with communication, language and mental health.
Song time
Whilst you might be able to remember some of the nursery rhymes you enjoyed as a child. There are so many new songs to be enjoyed with your child. Sharing songs and rhymes is a fantastic way to enrich your relationship with your child. Developing emotional connections, feelings, memory and language. An opportunity to enjoy music, lyrics and movement together.

Winding down
After enjoying activities together it is good to encourage a wind-down session to allow them to understand the change of pace. Soothing activities, books and stories as well as tidying away all the items that you have been enjoying together.
Just as you said hello to everyone at the beginning of the play and learn session, it is important to say goodbye too. Allowing children to understand that this is the final step in the routine and that they leave happy and content.

Our thoughts on the Play & Learn with your baby book
Although my children are past the baby stage, there are still a large number of activities within the book that can be used and adapted for Piglet who is currently in preschool. So I can certainly see this book making a great gift to add to a baby shower basket or a welcome to the world gift. Something that will be referred to throughout the first few years of the baby’s life and possibly beyond.
Where you can buy the Play and Learn With Your Baby book
The Baby Club: Play and Learn With Your Baby: Simple Activities with Amazing Benefits book is available to buy from Amazon and all other good book retailers. Available to purchase as a flexibound book or downloadable on Kindle.
Win a copy of The Baby Club: Play and Learn With Your Baby
To help you enjoy a range of activities with your child, no matter where you are. We have a copy of The Baby Club: Play and Learn With Your Baby: Simple Activities with Amazing Benefits to giveaway.
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The Baby Club: Play & Learn With Your Baby
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