Keyboard Warriors, Simple Happy Parenting and Chernobyl #LittleLoves

July 26, 2019

The month of July always seems to be a busy month. Between the end of the school year and all the activities that go with that, preparation for the pending summer holidays and the fun of attending Christmas in July events as part of my research for Christmas features and collaborations for my blog,

This month has been very busy, busier than normal. Which has been both physically and mentally exhausting. So much has been happening at home juggling the demands of family life. With a dose of keyboard warriors getting the better of me across the month which has left me questioning whether I am cut out for this and should I just be looking for a ‘normal’ job.

Time for July’s #LittleLoves…

A close up of a flower


When I was pregnant with Roo, I read 101 different parenting books. Wishing to find out what to expect, how to be a parent and how to ensure that my children would be happy. I was sent a copy of Simple Happy Parenting to review and as soon as I read the opening letter to parents I clicked with the book. One to help guide parents through parenting, however, an inspirational book rather than a must-follow-to-the-letter book.


Despite having it recorded on our Sky planner since it started we have only just managed to watch the Chernobyl miniseries. Having heard great things about it I had high hopes for watching it. It did take me most of the first episode to get over the fact that each of the actors were using their normal accents rather than one I’d expected for the area. Overall, I really enjoyed it, although I felt as though they missed segments out such as building the structure over the top of the reactor etc.

I’ve also managed to watch the Netflix series ‘Working Moms‘. Something that was recommended to me after watching ‘The Letdown‘. Such a funny and relatable show that all mums need to watch on their maternity leave, whether they are looking to return to work after having their babies or not.


Spotify has been my friend this month with a fantastic #ThrowbackThursday mix last week. Celebrating the top tunes from 20 years ago – the year I left high school (eek!). A proper trip down memory lane.


I treated myself to a few pairs for floral and polka dot style trousers and t-shirts from Matalan at the beginning of the month. Nothing special, just a few key pieces to see me through the summer months.


Not quite sure I have anything that this category.


School is out for summer! I’m so excited to have the children home for the summer, no grand plans made as such – hoping to pick up a last-minute trip to Butlins and we’ll be making the most of our Merlin Annual Passes (as always).

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