Moving house is an exciting time, whether you’re relocating for a new way of life or finally finding your dream renovation project, the possibility of what’s to come should be special.
However, for many when the reality of packing up your life and relocating finally comes around, it can often feel like a daunting task, especially with children in tow. Knowing how to create a positive and stress-free environment is essential to a smooth move that the whole family will enjoy. With that, here is a full-proof moving guide for a worry-free move for both you and the kids:
Ways to make moving with kids worry-free

Preparation is Key
As with all new changes, children often need time to adjust. Moving house to us may be just moving from one location to another but for them, it is the upheaval of their whole life. Telling your kids as early as possible will give them ample time to accept that change.
Make sure to explain to them why you’re moving and the fun things that they can look forward to in their new home. They will more than likely have lots of questions, so try to be patient and give them time to process the idea and get excited.
Get Them Involved in The Process
One of the best ways to build excitement around moving house is to have your children involved in the process. Not only will including them in decisions for the new house remind them of what’s happening, but it will also give them the perception of some kind of control over the move. By offering them the choice to pick the colour or theme of their new bedroom, you are giving them something to look forward to when the move comes.
Alternatively, if you are simultaneously decluttering, why not let them choose which toys they would like to keep and which they would like to give to a new home? They could even create a memory box of their current home.

Maintain Routine
This may be the toughest one to uphold in the process of moving with kids but keeping a routine can ensure a seamless transition from one home to the next. For many children routine is where they thrive, so sticking to regular meal times and sleep patterns are great. For kids in school, try organising moving or packing for the weekend so that their regular school week is not too disturbed and they don’t come home to a completely different environment.
Be Strategic About Packing
With busy lifestyles and little time to pack, it can be easy to do everything in one go, especially when little ones are asleep or out of the house. However, this can sometimes lead to chaotic packing and losing items. The last thing you want for your little one is to lose their favourite teddy or comfort piece in a frenzy of last-minute packing.
Alternatively, try and be strategic about how you pack; start with out-of-season clothing and non-essential furniture and work your way along to the beloved toys and favourite crockery sets. When you come to unpacking in the new house, this should make it much easier to find the important bits.

Take Care Of Yourself
Whilst trying to make it as stress-free for the kids as possible, don’t forget to make time for yourself in the process. Although as parents it’s easy to put yourself at the bottom of the list when it comes to priorities, actually ensuring that you are giving yourself the same grace you give your children is very important.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to family and friends and ask for help where it’s needed, moving house is a huge task and not something that you should be taking on alone. If you are relaxed so will your children be, so prioritising your wellbeing is crucial to taking care of theirs.
Invest in Quality Removalists
The simplest way to alleviate the pressure of moving house is by hiring local removalists to do the metaphorical and literal heavy lifting so that you don’t have to. When picking removalists it is important to find people you can trust, so make sure to research customer reviews and look for accredited removalists that you know will do the job right.
Once you have found the right removalists for your family, they can then help you with every step along the way. From wrapping and packing to storing your belongings during renovations, expert removalists cover it all. Letting the experts handle the move means that you can focus on what’s important, taking care of your family.
Image Credit: depositphotos.com