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Monthly Goals | December 2019

November 30, 2019

As a new month starts tomorrow, I want to make myself accountable for the plans that I have and the goals I am looking to achieve. I often have a to-do list or two on the go to cross things off as I manage to complete the task. However, if I’m struck by a case of the ‘can’t be bothered’, there is nobody except myself who sees the list and holding me accountable for my failings. So what better way to make sure that I am completing these than by making the list public. A great way to look back throughout the month and see which actions still need work and which ones I can give myself a pat on the back for completing.

My plans and goals for December

A table with a knife

Christmas cards

Write and send all Christmas cards by the 15th of the month. Whilst for many Christmas cards are out of fashion. I do believe that they are a little ray of sunshine falling through our letterboxes. This year I have selected some personalised Christmas cards to add that extra special touch when sending them to loved ones near and far. Adding a photo or two of the children inside for those family members and friends that we don’t manage to see on a regular basis – Which reminds me that I also need to get those photos printed.

The Christmas switch off

Last year as Christmas approached I was so overwhelmed. Between usual family life, juggling the extra activities that the children were involved in, arranging and attending Christmas get-togethers. Not mention keeping on top of work, house admin etc. It was all too much. Christmas can and went in a blur of moving from one task to the next not enjoying each one as they came along. This Christmas I am determined to switch off and be more present in the here and now. With my out of office being switched on Friday 20th December.

Meal Planning

Look into meal plans for starting in the New Year. Although we are pretty good at buying food in bulk to keep costs down. We do tend to fall down when it comes to planning what we will be eating from one day to the next, never mind an entire week.

Do you have any goals for the month?

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