Ways to keep your emotions in check when getting divorced

Getting Divorced? Here’s How to Keep Your Emotions in Check

December 8, 2023


Divorce – the one word that can make even the most zen of us feel like we’re riding an emotional rollercoaster that’s had one too many espresso shots. But does it really have to be that way? It’s not always easy, but it is totally possible to keep your emotions in check, and have a much happier divorce experience than the average, if you do the following:

Ways to keep your emotions in check when getting divorced

Ways to keep your emotions in check when getting divorced

1. Embrace the Zen of a Family Lawyer

First things first, get yourself a family lawyer . They’re like the Gandalf to your Frodo in this legal Middle Earth. Not only do they know the ins and outs of divorce law, but they’re also fantastic at translating “legal speak” into “human speak”. Plus, they can do the heavy emotional lifting when you’re feeling more fragile than a wet paper towel.

2. Diary of a Mad Divorcée

Keep a diary or journal. No, not to pen your next bestselling memoir, ‘My Ex and The Art of Refrigerator Maintenance’, but to vent your frustrations, fears, and the occasional irrational thought like, “Did they ever even like my lasagna?” It’s a safe space for your emotions, no judgment included.

3. The Mighty Power of Exercise

Channel your inner fitness guru. Exercise isn’t just great for your health; it’s a brilliant way to burn off that bubbling pot of rage and sadness. Whether it’s yoga, boxing, or interpretive dance to 80s power ballads, get moving. Your body and mind will thank you.

4. A Therapist Can Be Your New BFF

Consider therapy. It’s not just lying on a couch talking about your childhood fear of clowns (unless that’s your thing). A good therapist can help you navigate your feelings and come out of this stronger. Plus, they’re legally obliged to listen to you – how great is that?

Ways to keep your emotions in check when getting divorced

5. Support Squad Assemble!

Lean on friends and family. They’re like human lifebuoys. Yes, you’ll probably get tired of Aunt Linda’s “plenty of fish in the sea” comments, but these people are your support network. They can provide distractions, a shoulder to cry on, or just be there to listen to you rant about that lasagna.

6. New Hobbies, Who Dis?

Now might just be the perfect time to pick up a new hobby or revisit an old one. Ever wanted to learn the ukulele or become a master at knitting? Now’s your chance. It’s a great way to focus your mind on something other than the ‘D’ word. Get the kids involved and it will be a fun way to bond as a family.

7. Avoid the Social Media Spiral

Stay off your ex’s social media. It’s a vortex of pain and no good can come from seeing their latest “living my best life” post. Also, resist the urge to post passive-aggressive quotes. It’s not a good look and your future self will cringe. No matter how much you want to take a peak or let it off your chest, it is rarely what’s best for you and your emotions.

8. Remember, It’s Okay to Not Be Okay

Finally, you should totally give yourself permission to feel all the feels when you really feel like you need to. Is that enough feels for you? Here’s some more: Your feelings are valid, so if you are feeling hot white rage or you need to cry it out, don’t stop yourself, once it’s out there, you can get back on a more even keel because you will surely feel better.

Ways to keep your emotions in check when getting divorced

You’ve got this, and one day soon, you’ll look back and realize that you’re stronger than you ever knew. Now, make that easy divorce happen!

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