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Do you wake up in the morning and dread going to work? Are you working a job that seems unfulfilling and it takes everything you can muster to get yourself there? If you answered yes to either of those questions, a career change may be in order. When you consider the daunting facts about Americans and the associated statistics involving our work lives, it may be enough to motivate you to make the changes you so desperately need.
The Numbers Don’t Lie
The average American spends ninety thousand hours of their lives working. To put things into perspective, that equates to just over ten and a quarter YEARS of your life WORKING; twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, doing nothing but working. To help those numbers sink in, ninety thousand hours is equivalent to just over forty-three and a quarter years of a “typical” work schedule. If we are going to invest that much of our lives doing something, surely it should be something we enjoy.
The statistics don’t stop there. On average, 87% of Americans have no passion for their jobs, 80% are dissatisfied, and a quarter of all Americans say their job is their number one source of stress. There are enough things in our lives that can have a negative impact on our lives, our job shouldn’t be one of them.

Changing Careers
Although it may seem daunting to change careers late in the game, we must remember that life is about adapting and evolving; it’s not meant to be static. Instead of being overwhelmed with the unknown, take a pragmatic approach to what needs to be done to improve such a huge part of your life and overall happiness.
Be realistic – few things in life are a ‘one and done’ situation. Sometimes it takes changing gears more than once to find the career that is right for you. Just know going in that if you aren’t on the right path, you can re-evaluate and change course. Figure out what you really want. For example, are you looking for a job that offers the opportunity to travel? Why not consider a career in nursing? Companies like American Mobile is a travel nursing agency that specializes in keeping medical facilities all over the country fully staffed, with placements that can last anywhere from 2-6 months at a time.
When trying to find a new career, it is also important to take into consideration the demand for those professionals in today’s workforce. Consider our nursing example for a moment; there is a critical shortage of nursing professionals across the country. California, for example, has more than a forty-four thousand deficit in its supply and demand for nurses.
Listen To Your Gut
In life, you typically know something isn’t exactly what you want or are looking for, but you don’t do anything to change it, at least not straight away. Don’t judge yourself too harshly; it’s human nature to resist change. Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like resistance. Instead, you are convincing yourself the obstacles in your way are too big or maybe this just isn’t the right time. Don’t keep waiting for that perfect opportunity to present itself, take steps to move in the direction of the professional fulfilment and satisfaction you deserve. The longer you wait, the more stagnant you become. Let the excitement of new opportunities and experience drive you.
Know that you may not find what you are seeking when you first begin to look. Sometimes you must experience disappointment to appreciate and discover what you need. It is important to remember; our careers are not simply a means to an end. What you do for a living should offer satisfaction and promote the happiness that comes from balance and perseverance.
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