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Making bread has been one of my favourite things I’ve learnt how to do during these strange times. Let me share with you my basic bread recipe…
Who knew that I would be making bread instead of buying it? Who knew that I would actually love making bread and how easy it is? I didn’t. And now I can’t get enough of it.
For this recipe, I’m using Wessex Mill Flour that I bought at Springvale Foods. They sell fine foods in large quantities, such as bread flour, which means I can store the flour I’m not using and always have some in the house. No need for multiple trips to the supermarket to get more flour! You can use any of the Wessex Mill fours available, including white bread flour or wholemeal flour.
Before this whole debacle that turned our lives upside down, I have never paid that much attention to what type of bread I was buying at the store. It was either white bread or wholemeal bread. It was bread. It was nice and tasty. My life completely changed when I tasted homemade bread. I never knew bread could taste and smell this good. And I never really knew about all the not-so-healthy things that store-bought bread has. Woman and Home shared an article all about why homemade bread is much healthier than shop-bought and it sums up everything perfectly – less salt, no additives, less fat and more nutrients.
As BBC Good Food says in this article “One of the best ways to ensure your bread is a healthy choice is, of course, to make your own, that way you know exactly how the bread was made and the ingredients that were used.” I am completely hooked on homemade bread and there is no going back now. It’s healthier, cheaper and tastier.
Basic bread recipe

- 500g bread flour
- 250g water
- 10g fresh yeast
- 10g salt
How to make
- Put your ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix them together. Once you have a slightly sticky dough place it on your work surface (make sure to sprinkle some flour, so the dough doesn’t get stuck).
- Knead the dough until it becomes silky and soft. Then, place it in the bowl and cover it for 30 minutes.
- Place the dough back on the work surface. Push the air out and bring the side of the dough into a tight ball. This is called knocking back the dough. Let it stand for 15 minutes.
- Knockback the dough again and mould it into its final shape. Place it inside a plastic bag on a tin or tray and let it stand for about 30 minutes.
- Bake at around 220C for 30-35 minutes.
Sounds easy right? Well, it is! So, give the basic bread recipe a go and let me know how it went.
Happy baking!