A living room filled with furniture and a fireplace

5 ways interior design can be great for your peace of mind

September 2, 2019

One of the most satisfying feelings, when you own your own home, is the knowledge that you can decorate your house any way you like and have no one to answer to but yourself. This sense of autonomy can be very freeing, and when you pursue your interior design decisions the right way it can also be very good for your peace of mind. 

While there are some parts of interior decorating that can be stressful and painstaking, if you make decisions you are happy with you can relax later, knowing you have made the right decisions. If you can clearly picture an end result you want then even monotonous tasks can become satisfying. Read on for our top five ways interior design can improve your peace of mind.

A colour scheme you love

Painting overcoats and undercoats and shopping for items you are not invested in can feel boring or tedious, but if you know there is a colour scheme you are planning to have tying it all together this can streamline the process and bring a better sense of purpose to repetitive tasks. You are not just painting this wall to have it painted; you are painting it so that the whole room and several fittings can have a pleasant, but not an overpowering colour scheme that makes you feel warm and safe at home.

A chance to make savings and help the planet

LED lightbulbs are an often-overlooked way to make huge energy savings quickly. While slightly more expensive to buy than standard lightbulbs, they vastly minimise the amount of energy necessary to light the house. Changing all your lightbulbs to LED bulbs during your redecorating can reduce the energy you use on lighting by 90%, and can reduce the price of lighting a home for a year to just £14 in one example .

A living room filled with furniture and a fireplace

Unify an overall theme

While it is lovely to have rooms which are matching, it can also be nice to take a step further back and have a subtle overarching theme tying the house together. This can be as simple as a set of ornaments split across each room in the house, each undeniably in place. Alternatively, if you have a favourite artist, a challenge for your interior decorating is to look for a way to get a picture or print by them to go with the theme in each bedroom and public room in the house.

Make sure everything is well-lit

Straining to see when you are trying to read or get things done can be a headache. Ensuring that there are lights spread throughout your home. A variety of side lights and floor lights from a supplier such as Pagazzi can work wonders for ensuring your favourite spots always have enough light.

Take the opportunity to declutter

While decorating you will come across devices, books, clothes and other items you are no longer attached to. It can be a good idea then, while trying to rethink your house design, to give a thought to what can go from the house. Decluttering is a great way to feel back in control of your home.

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