First smiles, first teeth, first steps…all monumental milestones in your baby’s development. As parents, we treasure these occasions and watch with pride and elation as our babies grow.
To help celebrate these special moments and everything it is to be a parent, Start-rite Shoes, with the help of the mums and dads, has created a touching video collection of special ‘first’ memories. It forms part of a wider Start-rite campaign, which helps mums and dads treasure the precious memory of their child’s first steps and their first pair of shoes.
Parents who buy a pair of Start-rite first walking shoes will be invited to enter the online magical world of Mr Smith the shoe maker, where they can create a personalised video (set in Mr Smith’s shoe workshop) which stars their child and features photos of them experiencing special milestones in their development.
From first cuddles and smiles, to those tentative first steps and beyond.
The videos are easily sharable, either by email, or through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter and provide parents with a digital keepsake to help preserve priceless memories.
Something for the memory box…
Did you spot Roo and Tigger?
Boo xxx
Disclosure Policy: I have received no products or financial compensation for this post, I am just sharing some fab information with you.
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