Mr Boo decided a few weeks ago that we should get Roo a dolls house for Christmas, I had my reservations as to whether she would play with one etc. However, Mr Boo thought that she would love one so I started to research for the best one…
I cam across the beautiful Rosebud dolls house from the Early Learning Centre.
I was on offer at half price so I ordered straightaway. When it arrived I looked at the box and thought that it would be perfect for Roo. However, I noticed in the top corner of the box dolls and furniture not included. Wait a minute I have just spent £50 on an empty dolls house!!! OMG!!! Why anyone would spent the full price of £100 is beyond my understanding.
So it was returned and I carried on searching…
After looking at the Toys R Us website I spotted their Universe of Imagination dolls house that came with 100 pieces included.
On offer for half price I thought that I would drive to our nearest Toys R Us and pick one up. I got it home and was delighted with amount of items included within the dolls house. However, it is unfinished so you can choose whether you wish to paint, varnish or leave as it is. Mr Boo thought it would look great painted and we decided on a white house with a pink roof.
I called into see a friend the next day and got talking about dolls houses and she explained that her little girl had a Chad Valley dolls house. I asked if I could take a look and to my surprise it was a dolls house I had discounted as it did not look like it came with much furniture.

I knew that after seeing the Chad Valley dolls house that I would need to return the one from Toys R Us as I really didn’t feel confident in painting it. Plus when would I find the time to do it in??
Back to Toys R Us to return their dolls house and off to Argos to pick up the Chad Valley one… I hope Roo appreciates her dolls house (and all the unknown effort I have put in to finding her the perfect one)
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