So excitingly, you may think that you could be pregnant? Fear not, you are not alone during this time of mixed emotions. In this article, we have all the information you need about the initial signs of pregnancy. If you do have a few of these symptoms, it’s almost certainly a good idea to try a pregnancy test.

Changes in your emotions
- Are your energy levels low – In the initial stages of pregnancy, your body will be undergoing so many changes that it could lead you to feel extraordinarily tired. Your body is preparing itself for nine months of sharing space with a baby.
- Moods swings – Women share a very common experience during early pregnancy, namely mood swings. These can range from a variety of emotions like being stressed out, feeling down in the dumps and more.
- Change in cravings – If you become aware new cravings for certain foods then this could be a sign of pregnancy before a missed period. Before you take a pregnancy test look for cravings for out of the ordinary combinations of foods as a pregnancy sign.
Changes in your body
- Lots of nausea – Everyone recognises this as a sign that you could be pregnant. This classic pregnancy sign begins to take place even before your missed period. At times a woman can experience this feeling at any time of the day. Not all women who are pregnant experience nausea however so a pregnancy test is required to be definite.
- Aches and pains – Some of the earliest pregnancy indicators include backache, tender breasts, and headaches. If you are experiencing the feeling of crampiness, it could mean that your uterus is stretching to get ready for a baby. It may well also mean your period is on its way. The best time to do a pregnancy test is after you realise that your period is late. As with all of these signs, any body cramps need to be taken in context with other symptoms.
- Bathroom breaks – If you are forever going to the bathroom or you are even waking up during the night to urinate then this may perhaps be another major sign that you could be pregnant. Frequent bathroom breaks, in all probability at inconvenient times is common starting around 6 weeks after conception due to your new hormone levels.
- Spotting – A small amount of vaginal bleeding is at times one of the primary signs of pregnancy. This spotting is identified as implantation bleeding, occurring when a fertilised egg successfully attaches to the inner lining of your uterus. Early results pregnancy tests like the First Response early result pregnancy test promise results up to four days before your missed period if you want to find out as soon as possible.
Still not sure if you are pregnant?
Keep in mind that individually, each one of these signs could be a sign of all kinds of other things other than pregnancy.
So if you have a few of these symptoms and you have recently missed a period, possibly taking a pregnancy test will help to clear things up for you.
Disclosure: This is a collaborative post
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