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There are many areas to look over to make your business stand out online and many more will make your web presence complete and maximise your business potential throughout the years.
Just because you have a website does not mean you have the goods to really make it work for you.
If it’s something you threw up in a few hours then it’s a good bet that it has major flaws that you didn’t have time to fully discover and correct, especially if using a free online web design platform.
So let’s take a brief walk down some of the avenues you can take to make your web presence complete and to give a little effort for your company brand online. They may sound like small easy fixes but unsurprisingly they are some of the largest gaps in a business trading effectively online.
Find a Communicator
This is among the most common in that you have written your website and to yourself, it reads perfectly. But let’s take a look at your business model here and ask do you do the selling to customers or do you have a salesperson? Do you answer the phone or do you have a receptionist?
So… Do you write your own website or do you have someone who can effectively communicate that area better do it?
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in your own understanding of what your company provides but are those people reading understanding what you are saying? This is where getting someone to translate your passion, your service and an understanding of why the client needs you is of huge importance in order to build a varied client base. Hiring a copywriter or digital agency to provide a broken down universal understanding of information is only going to effectively translate to people why you are the business for them and they don’t have to Google half of your language.
Give Your Identity a Presence
Here is one area you definitely need to avoid; stock images.
Nothing screams out that you are a small operation than having stock images of professional business people smiling around an office or even worse, a picture of the Shard when you operate in Manchester.
People like to see faces that are proud of their business and have nothing to hide. Take some photographs of staff and products or services that are your own and proudly display them. Give your business the identity that people feel comfortable with as people like talking with people.
Give some fun facts about staff members that humanize the people that customers will interact with. Personality wins every time.

Go to Town… Virtually
Okay, you are going to have to put a lot of effort into marketing your business online. Simply put, there is more competition out there than ever before.
From fresh start-up businesses finding a foothold to the industry big dogs, they all want that internet traffic bringing them the business. Social media platforms play the biggest part in generating new business with Facebook and Linkedin posts getting huge numbers in clicks and views.
If you are comfortable in front of a camera then why not post a video blog online with an aim of directing clients to your website. Once you have them there, you know they are not being distracted by competitors as their focus is on you.
You may not be able to compete with the big boys in the industry but you sure can fight your way up the Google search rankings via the use of search engine optimization, which is an area digital agencies such as Stockport website design specialists have been doing to make their clients stand high online. Everything from responsive web design to software development can be guided by digital agencies and are highly recommended for those who want their business run effectively online.
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