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As social distancing and the life in lockdown continues I have been interested to see what others have turned to in order to pass the time. Distract themselves from the situation etc. Everyone is dealing with the prolonged time at home differently. For some they are coping quite well, some are struggling and some are floating between the two, having a mixture of good and bad days.
How we have been utilising our time during Life In lockdown
As I think about how my little family has been utilising the time at home during the lockdown, it’s clear to see that whilst there is a cross over parts to our lives. We are all opting to indulge in different things in order to get through the days and look after our wellbeing.

I have turned to books or should I say my Kindle Paperwhite, in order to pass the time and the drop in my work. Having set a goal of 20 books in 2020, I have already reached this and am well on my way to managing 20 more books in 2020. Whilst I could be making more Pinterest pins or adding alt descriptions to my photos on my site. I’ve decided not to bother, a lazy approach I grant you but I’m not interested in ensuring someone found my blog by searching for a child gardening with watering or similar. It can simply stay on the neverending to-do list whilst I enjoy another new book.
What The Dad Said
Time at home is somewhat limited for What The Dad Said as he is working additional hours at the moment. However, when is at home he is managing to split his time between completing tasks around the house and garden. Getting around to all those jobs that we’ve been meaning to go but never quite gotten around to doing. With downtime enjoyed by gaming and relaxing watching movies and boxsets.
Camped out in her bedroom as much as possible, she’s been utilising her time to chat to friends on FaceTime (hiding in her room so that I don’t casually gatecrash her chats with her friends to check that they are doing OK). Colouring has also been something occupying her time. Although it has to be said that binge-watching Netflix boxsets, is what she has been making the most of.
I’ve mentioned before that it’s easy to forget that Tigger is even home during the lockdown. As on the whole, he is a quiet soul with gaming his go-to activity during the day. Enjoying taking his Nintendo Switch around various rooms in the house to be with at least one of us. Retreating to his room when his sisters become too much and he wants to get away from the noise. Evenings are spent watching movies or reading books, with all our David Walliams books now finished – I need to see which ones we are missing.
I could say that Piglet is simply making a mess wherever she goes. With the living room home to several cardboard boxes that she’s colouring, hiding in and utilising for role play. In all honesty, she is simply loving flitting around the house being with us all. Sad when someone won’t play with her, but happily heads off to try her luck with someone else. Disney+ has certainly been a welcome addition for her, with her enjoying a range of different shows and movies.
How have you been utilising your time during life in lockdown?
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