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Kids grow just as quickly as the seasons’ change which is why many parents find themselves clothes shopping several times a year. With retail prices continuing to rise, buying comfortable, trendy, items for each of your children can cost you an arm and a leg. As summer is just around the corner, it’s a high probability that you’re wondering how you can shave some of those costs.
There may not be a way to keep your kids the same size for a few months, but you can save money on clothes with these savvy shopping tips below:

Hand Me Downs
Before you head off to the store to shop for kid’s clothes start by clearing out their closets. If you have children of varying ages and sizes, you can give your smaller children clothes previously worn by their older siblings. This would then reduce the number of clothes you need to buy for them.
Clothing Swaps
If you don’t have children of varying ages and sizes, that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of hand me downs. Instead, talk with other parents you know and host a clothing swap. This is where everyone would bring their children’s used clothes to your place. Everyone can sift through piles of clothes and grab things that fit their children for the summer.

If you have the time and resources, making clothes for your kids can save you a lot of money. Of course, you’d need to have a sewing machine, sewing supplies, fabrics, and patterns to put together nice outfits for each of them. If you’d like a little headstart, however, you could also order blank clothing at wholesale prices from vendors like ShirtSpace. Once the clothes arrive you can customize them with decorative prints and designs.
Yard Sales
Want to catch kid’s clothes at a bargain? Then, look no further than your local yard sales. People are constantly purging their homes and now is when they often put out their slightly used items for sale. You can find shorts, t-shirts, tank-tops, and other summer clothing items at a steal of a price. You can find yard sales by driving around your neighbourhood, checking at traffic lights for flyers, and checking in the online classifieds.
Another method to try when you want to save money on kids clothes is alterations. What some parents find is that their kids grow taller but don’t necessarily get wider. This means that long-sleeve shirts and pants often get a bit too short in the arms and legs. Just a few short alterations and you could turn them into short-sleeve shirts and shorts for the summer.

Flea Markets
Best described as a yard sale on steroids, flea markets are the perfect place to find good deals on summer clothes for kids. There are plenty of vendors with a variety of options to choose from. Whether they’re slightly used products or affordable merchandise purchased at wholesale prices, you can find a few basic outfits to send your kids off to camp with.
Deals and Coupons
Of course, you can’t talk about saving without the old tried and true methods like searching for deals and using coupons. Pay attention to sales papers and advertisements for deals on clothing for children and try to shop during those promotional periods. You should also check online, social media, and in the newspapers for coupons to use online and in stores to lower your purchase prices.
It’s almost summer and your kids will need tons of shorts, shirts, tanks, and other summer wear to get through the season. Though you probably can’t salvage much from the items they wore last year, you can cut back on how much you spend on your next shopping trip. The above suggestions can help you find kid’s summer clothes at a steal of a price. Now, instead of worrying about what they’ll wear this season, you’ll be trying to figuring out how to store everything.
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