A group of people sitting at a table in a restaurant

Warner Bros Studio Tour London | Hogwarts In The Snow {Christmas Dinner With The Weasleys}

December 8, 2018

If I were to ask you who your favourite Harry Potter character was, who would say? Harry, Ron and Hermione are the obvious heroes of the stories. Dumbledore, Professor Snape and Hagrid all have their merits too. But for me, it is Mrs Weasley that I adore. Not only does the wonderful Julie Walters play her amazingly. But she is quite literally the mother I’d love to have and be to my own children.

Visiting Warner Bros. Studio Tour London, I always make a beeline to the Weasley’s kitchen. There is something about it that is so homely, welcoming and chaotic all at the same time. During the Hogwarts in the Snow exhibition, the kitchen is transformed ready for Christmas dinner with the Weasleys.

Christmas Dinner With The Weasleys

A group of people sitting at a table in a restaurant

Just as we decorate our homes for Christmas, the Warner Bros. Studios lots J & K (see what they did there?) are decorated to welcome guests for the festive season. The Weasleys kitchen undergoes a festive transformation with the table boasting an amazing feast. Complete with mismatch of chairs that most households face as the emergency chairs are gathered for additional guests to sit at the table.

You can just imagine the fun, the laughter and the noise that comes from a Weasleys Christmas dinner. I hope that Mrs Weasley has a spell or two under her apron to ensure the meat, vegetables and everything comes together at once – after all, I’m sure we can all appreciate what goes into preparing a Christmas feast.

A person sitting at a table
A cake sitting on top of a wooden table

Festive scenes at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London

From Saturday 17th November – Sunday 27th January 2019, visitors to Warner Bros. Studio Tour London will have the opportunity to see the Harry Potter film series’ most iconic sets decorated for festive scenes. The Great Hall will be transformed, the Gryffindor common room will be dressed for the season and a blanket of filmmaking snow will be meticulously applied to the majestic Hogwarts castle model.

Tickets are available from https://www.wbstudiotour.co.uk/tickets

A person in a living room filled with furniture and a fire place

Hogwarts In The Snow

I can’t tell you about Hogwarts in the Snow without sharing a photo of Hogwarts covered in snow. Look at how magical it looks… you can see why the books and films have captured so many imaginations.

A group of men on a stage in front of a building

Win a The Making of Harry Potter Chocolate Wand

Boo Roo and Tigger Too are lucky enough to have four chocolate wands from The Making of Harry Potter to giveaway.

Prize: The Making of Harry Potter Chocolate Wand (4x winners)

To enter simply complete the Gleam widget below, all entries are optional and each one completed will gain you more entries into the random draw.

The Making of Harry Potter Chocolate Wand

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