One of the reasons I started blogging was born from a loneliness I felt whilst on maternity leave with Tigger. It was an outlet to share the moans and groans in my head when I had nobody else to share them with.
It’s over seven years since I started blogging and my life and that of my blog has changed somewhat. I no longer moan about juggling childcare and work. Partly as I now work from home (although the juggling act is still there) but also because I don’t feel as though anyone would be interested.

Sitting in draft
Over the festive break I took a look at all the posts sat in my drafts folder. The ones where I have written whole posts about something. The ones where I have scribbled my immediate thoughts and feelings on a subject. And the ones that I just needed to get the ramblings out of my head.
All of these posts have remained in the drafts folder, for one reason or another I have never published them. Whether they have just been a pity-party for one, felt too raw and personal to share openly or too controversial for me to deal with the backlash that comes with publishing a post like that.

Decluttering the drafts
Just like most of us are doing around the house, I decided that it was time to declutter the posts that will never be published. These have since been deleted, with the words and thoughts included gone. However, whilst working my way through the different posts I have found some that despite my initial reservation will be published.
It’s time to be a little braver, to share more of the ramblings, the moans and the irrational worries that frequent my brain.
Life is a journey and everyone’s is different, this is my space to share mine and if nobody reads it then it is at least out of my head.
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