We live in a shiny world full of high expectations, and since we face them ourselves, we also set the same for our kids. Frankly, setting these expectations can be, at times, overwhelming for the young minds, and if you suspect that’s what’s happening to your teen, here’s something to help.
Keep reading to discover 5 super effective ways to help your child summarise their schoolwork and study well.
How to help your teen study

Get Organised
Organisation can help you and your child in all aspects of life, especially when it comes to studying. If your teen has got an exam coming up, it makes sense to chalk out a plan of action and divide the study tasks into sizeable chunks and spread them across a period of days or weeks. Using a planner to do this can really help take things up a notch. The more organised and in-place things are, the easier it becomes to handle for your kid, and the more focused they’re likely to become when it comes to getting those things done.
Make Learning an Activity
Learning can be hard when it seems like a chore, and unfortunately, that’s exactly why a lot of kids suffer and can’t seem to concentrate (or frankly, want to concentrate) on studying. From making flashcards to using storytelling and games as a way to grasp concepts, try to make learning more of an activity – that can not just help your kid study well, but also help improve their memory and have a positive effect on his IQ.

Sneak in Breaks
Several studies have shown that taking small breaks in between study sessions can actually help retention, and positively influence your kid’s attention span. Choosing some light, energizing activities like taking a walk in the park, listening to some music or taking a quick shower can help your teen get more relaxed and yet fresh enough to get started with the rest.
Make sure the breaks are short and spread over a period of time, and include such activities that get your kid encouraged, fresh and help them return back to studying in a more focused frame of mind.
Motivate Often
There’s nothing better than constant motivation when it comes to getting your kid to keep going with his study routine. Build your teen’s self-esteem, remind him of their potential without being too pushy, and encourage them to set goals and smash them! Let them know that you believe in them and their abilities and that they can achieve anything they sets their mind to.
Create the Right Environment
This one’s probably the most underrated tip which can actually help you a lot when it comes to encouraging your teen to study. Having the right environment at home can really help your kid focus better on their schoolwork. If you haven’t already done this, start by creating a proper study space for your teen – a place where they won’t be disturbed. Make this place a place of only studying and nothing else – no phones, TVs or any other distractions.
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