First Time Mum? Tips The Pregnancy Books Don't Tell You

First Time Mum? Tips The Pregnancy Books Don’t Tell You

May 20, 2024

Congratulations! You are about to become a mum for the first time. It’s quite an adventure. For many women, you find that reading pregnancy books can be very informative. They tell you about all the symptoms you may be experiencing. How big your baby is during each trimester. They can help you get ready for impending labour.

There is a magnitude of information in there about pregnancy, which is so useful at the time, but what next? What they don’t cover is all the essential tips for getting prepared and what to do when the baby arrives. So I thought I would share with you some of those tips the pregnancy books don’t share. I hope it helps you get prepared for your new arrival. 

What The Pregnancy Books Don’t Tell You

First Time Mum? Tips The Pregnancy Books Don't Tell You

Make sure you read about what happens after birth

Many first-time mums will preach about how prepared they are. They no every symptom, and exactly what point they should head to the hospital when those contractions start. But for a lot of those women, that is all they read about. Not many read about what happens when the baby arrives. While you can’t rely solely on pregnancy books, children don’t come with manuals; it’s worth having a read about what to expect when your new baby is here. It may help you with those first few nights as a mum.

These could be things such as the importance of skin-to-skin contact. Feeding arrangements and what you might need to do if you are struggling to breastfeed or how to make up bottles. Essentially, there will be midwives on hand, but having a general idea could help you feel more confident. 

Don’t go too crazy on clothes

It’s so easy to buy all those cute little outfits when you are pregnant. But buying too many means you run the risk of your new baby not getting a chance to wear them. Also, all that expense on clothes can mount up, and the money could be used towards other things. If you can’t resist, try and be a little savvy with your baby clothes purchases. Besides friends and family will buy you gifts for the baby and often they include lots of baby clothes.

First Time Mum? Tips The Pregnancy Books Don't Tell You

Make sure you have the essentials

We can all get wrapped up in the latest gadgets and releases, but often just sticking with the essentials will get you by those few months. Don’t panic too much about toys and swinging chairs. As long as the baby has something to wear and somewhere to sleep you are halfway there. Those first few weeks can be a bit of a blur as you enjoy the baby bubble and come to terms with a routine. Toys and entertainment for babies are non-essential. Take time to work out what you think you need during those first few weeks. You don’t need everything all at once. 

Your instinct will take effect

Many first-time mums worry about how they will cope when the baby arrives. It’s common to wonder whether or not you will know how to look after your new baby. However, we all have that maternal instinct that will take effect. You will know what is best for your baby. Many women can worry about this when they are pregnant and have a fear that they won’t know what to do. It is indescribable but there is an instinct that you can learn to trust. However, it will take time. Not all mums feel confident from day one, and that is completely normal. 

First Time Mum? Tips The Pregnancy Books Don't Tell You

Don’t be too worried about feeding arrangements

There are always articles reported about breastfeeding and bottle-feeding dramas between new mothers. Try not to get too wrapped up in it all, do what is right for you and your baby and not what you think you should be doing. A happy mum will mean a happy baby. If that means breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or a combination of the two then do what you think is right for your baby and your family. 

Sleep when the baby sleeps

Finally, the last thing the pregnancy books won’t tell you is to sleep when the baby sleeps. Those first few months will feel like you are in a haze, the tiredness can take hold of you. So take any opportunity you can to relax and put your feet up. The chores can wait. Many new mums can feel guilt to do this and will want to appear to be able to do it all. But you will run yourself into the ground. Relax where you can and enjoy the time with your newborn. They don’t stay little for long. 

I hope that these tips will help you feel better prepared when you are expecting your first baby. 

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