Investing is one of the most reliable long term ways to make money. Take a small amount of savings right now, buy some shares in an investment fund or the stock market, and then leave them to accumulate for a few years.
While the price may go down as well as up, and there’s always a chance you’re going to lose what you invested, most people see a worthy return.
But the more uncommon you are with your investments, the larger this return can be. Don’t get confused here – being uncommon doesn’t mean undesirable. In fact, the rarer the item you’ve invested in, the more people are going to want to get their hands on it.
As such, when the time comes to sell your investment and finally make that large return you’ve been promised, you’ll be able to set the price at the point you want! So, buy some uncommon items, keep them stored safe and well for a few years, and then put them back on the market.
Here’s a little list of goods you might not have considered as worthy investments before.
Uncommon Things To Invest In

You might not think of books as a worthy investment, but some books carry a big price tag with them. Investing in this subsection of the book world can make you some serious money when you decide to sell.
The books that carry the highest value are first editions. These are copies of books that come from the first printed batch to ever hit the shelves, and they can be worth anything from £150 to £500,000+. A first edition of the original Harry Potter, for example, could turn out to be one of the latter.
If you’re not sure if there are any first editions in your house, there are a few tell tale signs to look out for. But even if you don’t, if you have a signed copy of a book by a notable author, it could also be worth around £30 to £100, depending on the signature. And if it turns out you have a signed first edition, you can be sure it’s worth a lot of money!
Modern Art
When we think of valuable art, we think of classical pieces made by the biggest names in the art world. We don’t really think about modern art as being worth anything near the same amount; in fact, a lot of people even snub modern art as being meaningless.
However, there have been some big sales in the modern art world recently. Value of pieces made in the past 20 to 50 years has rapidly grown, and if you’ve got a piece of art made in this timeframe, it might be a good idea to keep it in prize condition.

Private Number Plates
Did you know that you can own as many private number plates as you like, as long as you’ve got the proper registration for them? Even if the plate isn’t attached to your car, you can have it stored away safely in the garage for later.
And did you also know that a private number plate can be worth a lot of money to the right person? If their name, a significant date, or a funny saying they prize is etched into the plate, they’re going to want to get their hands on it. Relying on this fact could make you some good money down the line.
If you own a pair of shoes that were only sold for a limited time, and they’re still in pretty good condition these days too, look them up online to see if they’re being resold by anyone. You might find that some articles have gone for a few hundred pounds already. If you have, think about selling your own!
Shoes are an integral thing to own, meaning there’s always going to be a demand for them. While limited edition shoes, especially those made in collaboration with famous figures, need to be as ‘mint’ as possible, you can rely on this demand to make your shoe collection a pretty valuable thing to curate.

Got an old LEGO set in the attic? Get it down and see what condition it’s in. If the pieces are still there (or mostly there) and the set hasn’t really been played with, it could be worth hundreds more than what you bought it for.
It could even be worth thousands, if it’s a rare set that wasn’t in production for very long. You can check the facts online using a site called BrickLink – the website itself is also owned by LEGO, so you can trust what it says.
Gems and Stones
You might think you have to be an expert in diamonds to make money in this category. After all, when you know what you’re dealing with, you can spot a fake from a mile off, and you’ll always know the best auction houses/dealers to work with. And sure, the more you know about precious pieces, the easier it’ll be to double your money – but you’ve got all the time in the world to learn!
Don’t limit yourself to only investing in diamonds and the like either. Some stones can be worth more than their current market price depending on their size, clarity, and whether the stone has potential to be used creatively. Keep an eye out for these three things when looking through gems at auction houses; investing in it now could mean you sell for twice the price in three to five years’ time.

Uncommon investments can range from one end of the scale to the other. As long as there’s some value in it now (a.k.a., you’re noticing demand), you could buy small and sell big in a few years’ time. So take a look through the list above and see if any of the items appeal to you. Having a good investment on your hands could make a marked improvement on your financial health!
Image Credit: depositphotos.com