If you’re new to this meal planning prep thing, then chances are you could use some tips for successful batch cooking. This type of meal planning is not for the faint-hearted, there’s much to it, but once you’ve mastered the dos and don’ts of this meal planning option, you’ll enjoy being a professional meal planner.
Batch cooking saves time and money in the long run and is an excellent way to feed your family. The key to batch cooking is to know what you should and should not do before you make such mistakes trying to meal plan for your family.
Keep it Simple
While you may want to be an overachiever with batch cooking, the key to successful batch cooking is to keep it simple. Start with a few simple recipes, then create a few recipe batches based on the leftovers you might have from these simple recipes. You can easily take your leftover ingredients from a few simple recipes to create a new batch cooking recipe that’s unique to your family.
Cook Extra
While you’re meal planning and batch cooking, make sure you think about the upcoming weeks. Cook an extra-large bath of your favourite recipes and freeze them for later use. Many recipes can be frozen for later enjoyment, just be sure to read the ingredients to make sure the extras can be safely frozen.
UtiliSe Your Pots and Pans
If you’re going to brown hamburger for one recipe but know you’ll need it for another recipe in your meal plan, then cook extra. Batch cooking is all about saving time in the kitchen, so why not also save time by cooking one ingredient one time versus having to wash the pots and pans with each new recipe. This is a great way to make good use of your batch cooking time and reduce the number of times you have to wash dishes.
![A close up of a pan on a stove, with Muffin](https://www.boorooandtiggertoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/diane-alkier-1000.jpg)
Use Muffin Tins
Speaking of pots and pans, using muffin tins for batch cooking is a great way to get perfect portions. This is the perfect way to successfully batch cook single-serve options such as breakfast items and lunch items. Muffin tins provide you with the perfect portions so that you don’t have extra waste with larger frozen batch cooking meals.
Batch cooking is a fantastic way to save money and time in the kitchen. This is one of the more popular ways to cook nutritious meals for your family on a budget. Also, I love that batch cooking helps save me time during our busy weeknights. I can nourish my family no matter how busy the day was.
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