A bedroom with a bed and desk in a small room

Fast Ways to Transform a Room

January 19, 2016

Usually, when you decorate, you have plenty of time available to complete the job. However, occasionally, you will have to transform a room, and do it fast.

It may be that you have friends or relatives coming to stay, at short notice. Perhaps you have to put your house on the market and do so quickly.

In these situations, the tips outlined below will help you to transform a room in just a matter of hours.

Fast Ways to Transform a Room

A bedroom with a bed and desk in a small room

Create a feature wall

It does not take much time to paint or wallpaper a single wall. You can do it in a couple of hours. Add in some new soft furnishings and you will have completely transformed your room, in a morning.

Wall decorations

What you put on the walls has a big impact on the look and feel of a room. Buying new paintings can give a room a completely different ambiance. For example, you can use a large painting to create a new focal point.

Mirrors have a big impact as well. Adding them brings in more light and is a quick way to make a room feel more light and airy. Big mirrors make any room appear to be bigger, and can be turned into a statement piece, or a new focal point.

Wall stickers

Wall stickers, or decals, are another fast way to change the look of a room. There are loads available in all kinds of designs. All you do is wipe down the wall, place it, peel off the backing and stick it to the wall. You can do this job alone, but it is much easier if there are two of you.

Get clever with soft furnishings

Using soft furnishings, it is easy to transform the look and feel of a room. You can buy what you need in a few hours.

Modern throws, rugs, and cushions can bring old furniture up to date, and cover up a multitude of scrapes, bangs, and marks. Hanging new curtains as well will help to complete the transformation.

Hire the furniture you need

Sometimes you need to do more than just decorate. In some circumstances, you need new furniture.

Order lead times mean that if you go out and buy new you have to wait several weeks for it all to be delivered. Not ideal if you are in a hurry, fortunately, there is a simple way around this issue.

Using furniture rental from Emblem, you can easily find what you need and do so quickly. This company offers an affordable and professional service, which is designed for homeowners and landlords to take advantage of. They can supply the furniture for just one room or for an entire house and do so at very short notice.

If you are considering selling your home this is a great option. It allows you to hire high-quality furniture to stage your home and show it in the best light.

Using one or two of these methods will allow you to transform any room and do it in just a few hours.

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