The first week back at school/work following holiday is never easy, especially as this is Roo’s last half term at her infant school before making the leap to junior school in September. This week has been a busy one, in many ways I like it that way but in others I do feel as though I’m chasing my tail.
With it being Roo’s last chance to take part in school activities we have kindly allowed her to complete one extra after school activity this term. Roo opted for camping club which is run by her classes teaching assistant, I did ask her if she doesn’t get enough of her during the school day… ‘No Mummy, Miss P is ace!’ can’t argue with that logic.
This week has seen been a little chaotic with Tuesday seeing dance club in preparation for a local schools show in July at the Britannia Pier Theatre, that club finishes at 4.30pm and with Beaver Scouts starting at 6pm fitting in tea and uniform changing was a little impossible as we had family pop over. So tea was delayed until after Beaver Scouts, which made me feel like a bad mummy but once in a blue moon won’t hurt.
Wednesdays see Roo enjoy Latin with her teacher from last year, it’s lovely to be walking around somewhere and Roo say ‘did you know that means XYZ in Latin’. As this is a day that Tigger is in pre-school all day he then attends film club after school so that I don’t have to make two journeys to pick them up.
With the Great Yarmouth schools music association holding a Sounds 4 Summer concert in our local church it meant that once Roo had finished camping club at 4.30pm it was a mad dash home for food and clean uniform to attend the concert at 5.30pm. I was worried how Tigger would sit through the concert as Mr Boo was away with work so unable to switch his day off to look after him, I packed a bag of snacks and my tablet which thankfully kept him entertained until it was Roo’s turn. He was so incredibly proud of her shouting ‘bravo’ as everyone clapped.
Returning to work after annual leave is never a pleasant task, especially when you have a job share that in my opinion is pulling their weight. There has been so much going with inspections, general faults and well life on a hospital ward that in a strange way it’s quite nice to be a keystone is getting things organised, changed and plans for the future.
With a good weight loss this week at Slimming World I have become to realise that nobody can do this for me, it is something I have to do for myself. I’ve been trying to cook better meals and I’m getting a dab hand at a good soup, so hopefully I am on the road to success (and skinnier clothes too).
I often joke at work that the one reason I don’t have a job with great responsibility is that I have enough responsibility at home. This week I have really felt this responsibility, not in any great way but the reliance on me for cooking, cleaning, washing etc. is sometimes overwhelming and I wish that the fairies would come and do it all for me.
In the last week or so I have had to deal with a few issues relating to companies that I work with. I count myself very lucky in that over my time writing this blog that I have worked with a host of different companies and have never really had any issues. Like in life you will always come across those who value your work and those who do not, I unfortunately I have had to bite the bullet and say that I’m not happy with how I have been treated.
So my word of the week is…
Facilitator – someone who helps other people get things done
~ noun
- a person or thing that facilitates
- a person responsible for leading or coordinating the work of a group, as one who leads a group discussion: Each committee will meet with its facilitator
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