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Why you should try an escape room as a family: Tips for parents at Lock’d Escape Rooms London

September 30, 2019


You’ve probably already heard about escape rooms from your friends, or maybe you’ve even tried a room yourself! An escape room, also known as a quest room or escape game, is an indoor game in which players are locked in a room and must find clues, solve puzzles and complete tasks in order to escape within a certain time limit. 

There are thousands of escape games, each with their own distinctive themes and stories. Different rooms have different time limits and team sizes, some rooms are better for beginners and some for professional teams, some are of classic style and others full of modern electronic devices. 

Escape rooms are often thought of as an activity for adults or teenagers, but can it suit families with children too? Is it worth a try? 

Escape rooms as a family outing 

When was the last time your family spent at least an hour without any phones or devices, working together and dedicating all your attention to one another? How about getting everyone together to try something new and fun? Learn how to collaborate and bond as a family! 

That’s what escape room adventures are all about. The team will have to utilize the skills and experience of every family member to beat the clock. Escape games are a great alternative to the cinema or video games, as during the quest you become the main characters of your own story! How exciting is that? 

“In fact, children often play escape games better than the adults!” – Sam Lane, Game Master of Lock’d Escape Rooms 

A group of people sitting at a table drinking wine

Is it child-friendly? 

If you decide to give escape rooms a try, it’s wise to dedicate some time to choose a suitable adventure. Some rooms are not designed for children and might be too scary, as some venues offer panic or horror rooms, or might even have adult content in the story. 

For family outings, an escape room should not scare players, but rather be challenging and fun! If it’s your family’s first time in an escape room, it’s a good idea to pick an adventure aimed at beginners. 

Normally, escape room venues recommend a minimum age on their website, and it’s often about 9-10 years old. If your children are a couple of years below the suggested age, you can always contact the venue and ask if they have experience with younger kids and what they would advise in your case. 

Some venues put several small teams in one game, so it’s worth checking with the venue in advance to see if your game would be shared or private, with only your family playing in the room. 

As each escape room has its own rules, some venues might put a limit on the amount of clues you can ask for during the game. For family experiences, it’s a good idea to choose a venue with no clue limit. 

“Lock’d escape room games are truly magical and are guaranteed to delight children and grandparents alike. No academic knowledge or physical strength needed. But you will need every ounce of cunning to escape within the one-hour time limit.” – Alex Shaf, the director of Lock’d Escape Rooms London

What are the benefits? 

Escape rooms are not only great fun, but can also develop logic and analysis skills, strategic and out-of-box thinking, collaboration, common sense, and concentration. Your children will think while they play, without even noticing how much they’re learning! Family-friendly Escape Rooms will allow them to use their imagination, make decisions, and feel a sense of accomplishment when they successfully complete the adventure. In addition, team members often discover new things about themselves and other players whilst playing. 

Why you should try an escape room as a family: Tips for parents at Lock’d Escape Rooms London

Tips for escaping as a family 

  • Avoid rushing – Plan to arrive 10-15 minutes before the game, so you have time to ask questions after hearing your Game Master’s instructions. 
  • Knowledge is key – Before visiting an escape room, you could prepare your kids by showing them videos about the games, or explaining what they might entail. 
  • Collaboration – While playing, make sure every family member is included and help everyone to get involved. It’s better to sacrifice some time but ensure everyone is on the same page, understanding and enjoying the adventure. 
  • Communication – Keep everyone informed if you find clues, especially if you decide to split the team and solve different puzzles separately. Pay attention to other players, as they could have essential information for the team. 
  • Stay calm and positive – Even if you think something is going wrong or you feel like you’re losing control, remember that it’s just a game! Plus, you can always ask for a clue to keep you going. 
  • Have fun! – A 1-hour time limit can put a lot of pressure on your team. Don’t forget you came there to have a beautiful experience with your family. 
  • Freeze the moment – Usually, after the quest is done, your Game Master will offer to take a photograph of the brave escapers. Don’t miss this opportunity as it will be a great memory to take home. 
  • Share your emotions – It’s a brilliant idea to go and eat some ice-cream after the game and talk about your experience, reminiscing about funny moments, sharing your thoughts, and maybe even preparing for your next escape room adventure! 

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