One of the things on most people’s New Year wish lists is good health. After a festive season blighted by illness it was something that we were certainly wishing for. As it turns out we are not out of the woods quite yet. Piglet has a chesty cough, wheezy and an ear infection. Cue lots of cuddles, not really knowing what to do with herself and restless nights. Over the past few days Tigger’s eyes have been swollen in the mornings which is usually an indication that he too is coming down with something. I think I’ll paint a red cross by the front door and put us all into quarantine.
This week’s #LittleLoves…
I’ve not taken any photos this year, so this is a throw back to our trip to Warwick Castle in November.
Back to school has crept up on us and I have to admit to falling behind on maths, reading and homework chores during the holidays. I will admit to being that parent on Wednesday afternoon getting the children to complete their requirements. Although I managed to get Roo’s SATs workbooks pages wrong and made her complete 18 pages, when in fact, she only needed to do six! Oops! (thankfully I wasn’t the only parent who did this). I’ve made it up to her by buying her a Nutella mug in the sales.
We seem to have accumulated so many shows to watch over the past month. With us enjoying festive films and Christmas Specials our usual viewing habits have been put on hold. We;ve been attempting to clear the backlog for when new series start later this month. With The Big Fat Quiz of The Year, The Hunger Games and 20 Kids and Counting all beinging enjoyed this week.
One of my good friends Becky from A Beautiful Space shared an Adele song on her timeline earlier this week. After listening to the classic hit, I had to switch Spotify on and live through the rest of her beautiful (if not tearjerking) songs.
I’ve been enjoying having the festive period away from the day-to-day running of my blog. Monday will see my out of office being switched off and I will have to answer the emails waiting in my inbox and complete campaigns that are outstanding. Preparing for next week I have been gathering ideas and making plans on how I would like to progress my blog and freelance work this coming year.
Back to school means that it is time for the school uniforms to be pulled out of the wardrobe. Tigger managed to come home after just one day covered in yoghurt. Which when I pointed this out to him, he looked down and said ‘oh, I hadn’t noticed!’… Cheeky boy! Whilst Roo has been desperately searching for girls dresses in a bid to find the perfect outfit for an upcoming birthday party. It appears that we have hit the age where new outfits are required for every occasion.
This week I attended the funeral of a dear gentleman. Someone who always had a smile ready, open arms for a hug and a heart as big as a mountain. He has left a whole in his families lives and to all those lucky enough to have known him. Sleep well Liverpool Kid x

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