If you are looking at buying a used car, then you’ll need to use this checklist to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are looking for, so you can also feel content with the make and model you have chosen. Want to find out more? Take a look below.
Buying a used car checklist

If possible you need to kick the tyres, but you also need to get down on your knees so that you can give them a good inspection. Take note of how much tread they have. To be road-legal, they usually need to have over 1.5mm, so if they are below 3mm then you may need to factor in the cost of having to change them out in the near future. This may give you some bargaining power over the vehicle. Budget tyres might not be a concern if you are purchasing a cheap car, but if you are spending way more on it at a later date, then this will impact you more than you realise.
How does the bodywork look? Do you see signs of kerbing on the wheel rims or the tyres? Ideally, you need to try and view your car during the day because if you view it during the night or even when it is raining, then this will make it easy for the seller to hide things. Don’t be too put off if you see a lot of dents and scratches, these can be fixed with ease but as always, it does give you a lot of room to negotiate.
Gaps in the panels
When you look over the bodywork, you have to look out for any gaps that might be present. If you have a lot of panel gaps, then this could be a sign that the car has not been repaired as well as it could have been after a crash or collision. Ideally, you also need to make sure that there are no colour differences between the panels themselves. If you can do this, then you will soon find that it becomes easier for you to get a good deal.
If you need a car fast and feel pressured into buying a used car just because it is available and close to your location, then you may be better off exploring the idea of car leasing until you can find something more suited to your requirements.
Fluid Levels
Open up the bonnet and have a good look at the levels. You need to look at the power steering fluid and you also need to look at the brakes and the oil as well. If you know that they are low, then this could be a sign that the car has not been maintained as well as it could have been. If you are looking out for things, then take note of any oil leaks that may be under the bonnet.

So, if you use this buying a used car checklist, you should find that you are able to make the most out of your car purchase. Why not see if you can put them into practice today?