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10 sights you and your kids should see this year

February 14, 2015

With family-friendly travel companies like Tots Too offering a wide range of holiday packages that are great for kids and adults alike, there’s no reason why you can’t jet set with your entire brood. Travelling the world is a great form of education, after all, so if you fancy packing your bags and making memories to last a lifetime, here are 10 sights you and your kids should see this year.

Tower of London

Believe it or not, you don’t have to venture far from home to enjoy an adventure to remember. The UK is packed with wonderfully fascinating places including the Tower of London, an awe-inspiring landmark seeped in history. The spiral staircases and dingy dungeons are a sight to behold, so why not pay a visit?

A castle with water in front of a body of water with Tower of London in the background

Peak District

If city life isn’t your thing, the Peak District might be more up your street. With rolling countryside, quaint little cottages and numerous eateries, it really is a UK hot spot for tourists. You can do everything from horse riding to trekking and cycling here as well as tours of some of the historic villages.

Sagrada Familia

Want to venture a little further afield? Then you could always head to Barcelona where you’ll find the mindblowing Sagrada Familia – a stunningly beautiful church designed by notorious Spanish Catalan architect Gaudi.

Eiffel Tower

A large clock tower towering over Eiffel Tower

Another popular must-see European site is the Eiffel Tower located in the heart of Paris. It’s as grand as it is unique and you can even get a lift up to the top where you can enjoy sensational views across the capital city.

The Colosseum

Also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, Rome’s magnificent Colosseum will ignite the imagination of any budding gladiator. Commissioned in AD72 by Emperor Vespasian, this sensational landmark once saw 100 competitive games a day including wild animal fights.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa

A group of people standing in front of a large building with Leaning Tower of Pisa in the background

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most remarkable architectural structures from medieval Europe. Located in the beautiful Italian town of Pisa, it stands at 60 metres tall and leans at about a ten degree angle.

Grand Palace, Thailand

Just because you’ve got kids doesn’t mean you have to stay close to home. There are many places throughout Asia that are suitable for families and if you get the chance to see the Grand Palace of Bangkok in all its grandeur – don’t miss out.

Burj Khalifa

Dubai is home to many great attractions, but if splendid architecture is what you’re looking

for, be sure to put the Burj Khalifa on your mustsee list. At 829.8 metres high it’s the tallest building in the world and with an observation deck on the 124th floor you’ll even be able to soak up mind-blowing views of this special country.

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site renowned for its opulence and beauty. Built in Agra between 1631 and 1648 by order of the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favourite wife, this landmark is quaint, picturesque and well-worth a visit.

Egyptian Pyramids

If your children are fascinated by the queens and pharaohs of ancient Egypt, taking them to see the pyramids will help bring this enchanting period of history to life. Built during a time when Egypt was one of the richest and most powerful civilisations in the world, the pyramids are certainly some of the most magnificent man-made structures to have ever been constructed.

Disclosure: This post is brought to you from Tots Too

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