2013 is the year I get off my rather large behind and get my body moving
How am I going to do this, I hear you ask…
Firstly we are selling Mr Boo’s car as he has recently changed jobs so we no longer justify the need to be a two car family. Instead Mr Boo will use the family car to get to and from work, leaving me to walk to school, nursery and work. I actually quite enjoy walking, it gives me time to think and clear my head so as long as the British weather is not too harsh to me I will be happy to walk, walk, walk.
Secondly, I have two pairs of Zaggora pants (flares and capri) which haven’t seen the light of day since, well I can’t honestly remember. They are currently hidden at the bottom of my trouser drawer so that I don’t have to look at them on a daily basis and feel guilty for not making better use of them.
Thirdly, I have heard great things about the 30 Day Shred fitness DVD
. I currently have this saved in my Amazon wishlist and intend to purchase and complete a session on Tuesdays and Thursdays whilst Tigger is napping. I would do it in front of him but I fear that he would either collapse from laughing so hard or be better at the moves that I am.
This last one is a little more difficult for me… I would love to complete a Couch to 5K podcast, however I am not a runner. I joined the cross country team when I was at high school only because the additional training and races got me out of classes. Myself and a friend used to take it in turns to be either second to last or last! As I live 5 minutes from the seafront I would love to be able to jog along the promenade in beautiful surroundings.
Boo xxx
This is my entry for the ‘Get Fit Feel Epic’ competition hosted by Kate on Thin Ice
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