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We know Halloween is still to come but Christmas sneaks up on us every year. So this year, we want to warn you early and remind you to get some gifts now. You might have an idea of what you can get some people. But other people are notoriously hard to buy for. It is these people who have some amazing Christmas gifts that you can surprise them with on Christmas morning.
Amazing Christmas Gifts To Suit Everyone

Photo gifts
We know that everyone puts their photos online now but some people still can’t see them. The elderly members of our families tend to shy away from social media and they can feel left out. Photo Calendars and albums filled with family photos are a great way to share family pictures and give your loved ones a nice surprise. This way, they can see their family every day when they can’t be near them.
Gifts cards
We know that some people don’t like giving gift cards because it seems like a lazy present, but some people really like getting gift cards. A lot of the products that people buy now are digital or can only be brought online. If you know someone who spends a lot of time online or likes to stream their favourite tv shows, maybe getting them a gift card or two for their favourite services could be the best present that you give them this year.
Craft supplies
During the first lockdowns, a lot of people had a lot of free time. Once they were finished binge-watching Tiger King on Netflix, they searched for hobbies to keep themselves busy. Some people have since ditched those crafty hobbies but plenty of people have kept them going. If you know someone who is still knitting or cross-stitching, getting them some crafting supplies would be a great way to make them smile on Christmas morning.
The threat of books disappearing has been around for years but more people are reading for pleasure than ever before. Some people can easily read a book or two a week instead of watching tv. The problem with buying books for someone who is an avid reader means that you might end up buying them something they have already read. Check their Amazon wishlist to see what books they have on there and surprise them with a book bundle on Christmas morning.

Do you remember when you were little and you put your jigsaws together? Those were great times. Thankfully, you can still enjoy jigsaw puzzles as an adult. Over the last full years, there has been a rise of fun and funky designs that are a far cry from the boring designs that normally appear for adults. The great thing about puzzles is that they can be branded. So, if you know someone who loves Disney, there is an abundance of Disney themed and branded puzzles out there that they would love.
Food food and more food
Christmas is the time of the year that people tend to gather together. As much as some people love the company, their food cupboard might not be able to stretch to repeated visitors. Gifting people with food such as chocolates, biscuits, jams and jellies, anything that they can keep handy in the cupboard and won’t go off is a great gift. However, if you are heading to someone’s house for a quick gathering, bring something extra such as a cheese selection and crackers that you can share with them and they can share with any extra guests.
Phone gifts
Nearly everyone has a phone today and phone accessories are nice presents to get. We tend to upgrade our phones every couple of years so the items we have tend to be replaced with them. Phone holders and power banks are great if you are not sure which model they have. If you do know the model and know what accessories they need, such as a phone case, this can make a nice stocking filler. There are loads of different accessories that you can get for phones so be creative with your choices.
Doesn’t anyone else love getting pens and fancy notepads? Just us? Maybe it reminds us of school or maybe there is something special about getting a grownup notepad and a proper pen. Whatever it is, stationary is a big hit with some people. As we said with the puzzles, a lot of stationery is branded. If you know someone who loves Marvel, they will probably love getting some fancy Marvel stationery (and yes, it exists, we checked).